2Pac - Against All Odds [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: 2Pac
Album: The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: 2Pac, Hurt M Badd
Tekst: 2Pac, Tyrone Wrice

Tekst piosenki

One love, one thug, one nation
Twenty-one gun salute
I'm hoping my true motherfuckers know
This be the realest shit I ever wrote
Against all odds, up in the studio, getting blowed
To the truest shit I ever spoke

[Verse 1]
Twenty-one gun salute
Dressed in fatigues, black jeans and boots
Disappeared in the crowd, all you seen was troops
This little nigga named Nas thinks he live like me
Talking bout he left the hospital took five like me
You live in fantasies nigga, I reject your deposit
We shook Dre punk ass, now he out of the closet
Mobb Deep wonder why a nigga blowed them out
Next time grown folks talk, nigga close your mouth
Peep me, I take this war shit deeply
Done seen too many real players fall to let these bitch niggas beat me
Puffy lets be honest you a punk or you will see me with gloves
Remember that shit you said to Vibe about me being a thug
You can tell the people you roll with whatever you want
But you and I know what's going on
Payback, I knew you bitch niggas from way back
Witness me strapped with Macs, knew I wouldn't play that
All you old rappers trying to advance
It's all over now, take it like a man
Niggas looking like Larry Holmes, flabby and sick
Trying to player hate on my shit, you eat a fat dick
Let it be known this is how you made me
Loving how I got you niggas crazy

[Hook 1]
Against all odds
Hoping my thug motherfuckers know
This be the realest shit I ever wrote
Against all odds, up in the studio, getting blowed
To the truest shit I ever spoke, against all odds
Hoping my true motherfuckers know
This be the realest shit I ever wrote

[Verse 2]
I heard he was light skinned, stocky with a Haitian accent
Jewelry, fast cars and he's known for flashing
Listen while I take you back and lace this rap
A real live tale about a snitch named Haitian Jack
Knew he was working for the Feds
Same crime, different trials nigga, picture what he said
And did I mention? Promised a payback, Jimmy Henchman
In due time I know you bitch niggas is listening
The world is mine
Set me up, wet me up, niggas stuck me up
Heard the guns bust, but you tricks never shut me up
Touch one of mine, on everything I love
I'll destroy everything you touch, play the game nigga
All out warfare, eye for eye
Last words to a bitch nigga, "Why you lie?"
Now you gotta watch your back, now watch your front
Here we come, gunshots to Tut, now you stuck
Fuck the rap game, nigga this M.O.B
So believe me we enemies, I go against all odds

[Hook 2]
I'm hoping my true motherfuckers know
This be the realest shit I ever wrote
Against all odds, up in the studio, getting blowed
To the truest shit I ever spoke
I'm hoping my true motherfuckers know
This be the realest shit I ever wrote
Against all odds

[Verse 3]
Puffy getting robbed like a bitch
To hide that fact he did some shit he shouldn't have did
So we riding for that
And that nigga that was down for me, resting dead
Switched sides, guess his new friends wanted him dead
Probably be murdered for the shit that I said
I bring the real, be a legend, breathing or dead
Lord listen to me, God don't like ugly, it was written
Ayo Nas, your whole damn style is bitten
You heard my melody, read about my life in the papers
All my run-ins with authorities, felonious capers
Now you wanna live my life
So what's a Hausa, Nas? Niggas that don't rhyme right
You've seen too many movies
Load 'em up against the wall, close his eyes
Since you lie you die, goodbye!
Let the real live niggas hear the truth from me
What would you do if you was me? Nigga

[Hook 1]

Against all odds
Twenty-one gun salute
One love to my true thug niggas (Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!)
Twenty-one gun salute to my niggas that die in the line of duty
Representing to the fullest being soldiers with military minds
That play the rules of the game, twenty-one gun salute
I salute you my niggas, stay strong
I ride for you, I rhyme for you, I roll for you, it's all for you
To all you bitch made niggas, I'm coming for you
Against all odds, I don't care who the fuck you is, nigga
You touch me I'm at you
I know you motherfuckers think that I forgot
Hell no I ain't forgot nigga
I just remember what you told me
You said don't go to war unless I got my money behind me
Aight, I got my money right here, now I want war

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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