2Pac - Soon as I Get Home [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: 2Pac
Album: Pac's Life
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: QDIII

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: 2pac]
Soon as I get home

[Verse 1: 2pac]
Dear baby, it's me again
Stuck inside this max pen
Trying to pay my debt for all my sins
See, these penitentiary times be so heavy on my mind
At times it's like I'm living just to die
I'm living in hell, stuck in my jail cell
Stranded in the county jail
Waiting for my chance to post bail
I want to be paid in large stacks
And mash in fast Jags
I blast and wonder how long will I last
My memories fade when I'm intoxicated
Busters are shady, so I'm dumping on cowards crazy when ever faded
I know I said it all before but now I mean it
Visions of me and you balling so crystal clear I seen it
Even though you mad at me
You'll be glad to see the strategy of making these chips come so easily
I max out in the morning baby life is good
Me and you against the whole hood
Soon as I come home

[Hook: 2pac]
Grab my straps, locate my comrades
Let's get my enemies not knowing I'm coming back
Go get the money out the safe
It's time to turn the streets into a war zone
Soon as I get home

[Verse 2: 2Pac]
Sitting here looking at pictures of me and you livin'
But now you out in the world, while I'm twistin' in prison
Love letters come daily, words of affection
You send me money and nude pictures beggin' for some sexin'
Stay wide open, keep yo eyes peeled
And my advice is keep it real or you can die squeelin'
Plus I never had to worry 'bout a visit, cause you're there daily
Guards trying to get your number, you don't dare tell me
Tongue-kissing, steady humping
Trying to touch up something
Before the C-O in the corner jump in, frontin'
Late night reminiscing, everybody's quiet
I think something's in the air, prepare for the riot
It's padlocks in my socks, steel from the bed springs
I touch 'em with thug love and then let they heads ring
I started a war, but now I'm gone
Release me to the streets in the morning, it's on
Soon as I get home

[Hook: 2pac]
Grab my gats, locate my comrades
Let's get my enemies not knowing I'm coming back
Go get my money out the safe
It's time to turn the streets into a war zone
Soon as I get home

[Verse 3: Yaki Khadafi]
So keep it going
My whole life's been like a game of Cee-low
Thinking big like they keep to me no feelings my dreams like Nino
Brown the whole town be shook up
And me and momma survived the pick up
How many rocks I made to cook up
Narcotics got traffic, seen those niggas you blasted
Wanting me in a casket, on a ground, kind of plastic
Yeah nigga I heard you, Lil' Mu gave the word
You get paroled on the 3rd, you sold love, we out here fronting
Still here but all about nothing, but double O's is
What I'm wanting, and I'm trying to see something
That we ain't never had
Luxury life, results living bad
Tricks of the trade, Shit that should've been taught by dad
But learned through the crew
Lessons between me and you
And once we lock this shit down it ain't a thing they can do
Meanwhile I stay waiting by the phone
Hoping I'll get a call telling a nigga that you home

[Hook: 2pac]
Grab my gats, locate my comrades
Let's get my enemies not knowing I'm coming back
Go get my money out the safe
It's time to turn the streets into a war zone
Soon as I get home
Grab my gats, locate my comrades
Let's get my enemies not knowing I'm coming back
Go get my money out the safe
It's time to turn the streets into a war zone
Soon as I get home

Grab my gats, locate my comrades
Let's get my enemies not knowing I'm coming back
Go get my money out the safe
It's time to turn the streets into a war zone
Soon as I get home
Grab my gats, locate my comrades
Let's get my enemies not knowing I'm coming back
Go get my money out the safe
It's time to turn the streets into a war zone
Soon as I get home

Grab my gats, locate my comrades
Go get my enemies not knowing I'm coming back
Go get my money out the safe
It's time to turn the streets into a war zone
Soon as I get home
Grab my gats, locate my comrades
Go get my enemies not knowing I'm coming back
Go get my money out the safe
It's time to turn the streets into a war zone
Soon as I get home

Grab my gats, locate my comrades
Go get my enemies not knowing I'm coming back
Go get the money out the safe
It's time to turn the streets into a war zone
A war zone, yeah

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Jeśli znasz język na tyle, aby móc swobodnie przetłumaczyć ten tekst, zrób to i dołóż swoją cegiełkę do opisu tej piosenki. Po sprawdzeniu tłumaczenia przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy je jako oficjalne tłumaczenie utworu!

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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