Aaliyah - Got to Give it Up [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Aaliyah
Album: One in a Million, I Care 4 U
Gatunek: Rap, R&B
Producent: Vincent herbert, Craig King

Tekst piosenki

[Slick Rick]
Yeah bartender can I get a Hennesy on the rocks
And a Long Island Ice Tea?
Thank you
Didn't I tell you this club was dope?
Yeah you wasn't lying kid it definitely is
Look at this they all over the place
Yeah one second hun, slow down, slow
Yo James get her off me
Yo back off shorty
Alright would you slow the hell down?
Back off shorty

[Slick Rick]
Like everyone was chasing my fine ass
But when Aaliyah walked in the whole place went bananas
I'm playing for most of my perks
And they offering the hun free Cristal the works
Not to mention smelled good, looked dope
I brought me a bottle so I wouldn't look broke
Stepped like a Big Willie Woodgewell playa
Sign this thousand dollar bill for me Aaliyah

I used to go out to parties and stand around
Cause I was too nervous to really get down
But my body yearned to be free
I went off on the floor so somebody would choose me
No more standing upside the wall
Now I got myself together baby and I'm having a ball
Long as your grooving there's always a chance
Somebody watching might wanna make romance
Move your body, ooh baby, and dance all night
To the grooving, feel all right
Move your body, oh and move your feet
Cause the DJ's groovin', oh and it sounds so sweet, come on
Baby just party on and on
Cause this party is jumpin' till the break of dawn, oh

[Slick Rick]
Well I peeled off one more thousand and hand her
One more please from my girlfriend Amanda
Rick, honey with that butt like ka-pow wanna but you a drink
Tell shorty not now

You can have me when you want me baby
This is such a live party baby
Going crazy in this place tonight
And the feeling is oh so right, yeah
All the fellas in here are so fine, oh
When you're moving your body
Boy you're blowing my mind
I think I'm gonna let you do it baby

[Slick Rick]
One more comment since my time is out
Love that song where you say that line about
'You're a positive motivating force within my life'
No kidding, hit 'em
Named ruler and the ruler wouldn't lie to ya
Whack singing huns all squirm at the sight of ya
Us, we some more Ladi Dadi'ens
Let me let you go so you can attend to your audience

Sexy baby, sexy baby, sexy baby, sexy baby
Sexy baby, sexy baby, sexy baby, sexy baby, baby
Oh, oh baby, oh yeah, ooh

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Interpretacja piosenki

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