Alicia Keys - Streets of New York (City Life) (Unplugged) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Alicia Keys
Album: Unplugged
Data wydania: 2005-10-07
Gatunek: Soul, Soul Pop
Producent: DJ Premier, Alex Coletti
Tekst: Nas, Rakim, Eric B, Taneisha Smith

Tekst piosenki

Here I am, here we are
As it will go on forever
Noise, always noise
Candles burn, lights are low
I haven't a place to go

Life in it's constant state of moving nowhere
The music is nice, floats through the air
Sounds of waves crashing everywhere
Percussive submissions, mind conditions
Writing with the left hand
Unknowing and taking the chance

Why not fly? Why not try?
This constant game I play to stay high
But all is just a state of mind
All is reality of your choice
Constant evolution, constant adaptation
Constant state of moving nowhere

Footsteps, silence is loud
Kindness is brave, wisdom is long
Loving is necessary, I need it, we need it
Searching, looking for the satisfaction
It is nowhere, it is everywhere

Preaching, pleading, praying for God to come
What are we waiting for?
Why are we so afraid of taking charge?
But it's always changing, always
In the constant state of going nowhere

We all have demons to battle, roads to walk
Crosses to bear, mistakes and sins
Candles and their steady glow
Water and its constant crash

Endless horizon, rocks of times long gone
Still strong, still here and so are we
Here we are forever
The constant state of going nowhere

The constant state of going nowhere
Constant state of going nowhere
Con-con-constant state of moving nowhere
Constant state of moving nowhere

It's like a jungle
It's like a jungle

It's like a jungle out here, so much struggle out here
And my dreams steal my rest, sleep's the cousin of death
Always feels like a race against father time
In the streets of New York

All I see is street hoes, and bullet holes in my people
Only crime fills the brain, feels like I'm going insane
The revolution has to start, don't waste no time
In the streets of New York

New York, New York, New York, New York, New York City
New York, New York, New York, New York, New York City
New York, New York, New York, New York, New York City
New York, New York, New York, New York, New York City

Livin' in the city
Livin' in the city
New York, New York City
Livin' in the city

Livin' in the city
Livin' in the city
New York, New York City
Livin' in the city

Livin' in the city
Livin' in the city
New York, New York City
Livin' in the city
Livin' in the city

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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