Alina Baraz - I Don’t Even Know Why Though (Qrion Remix) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Alina Baraz
Album: The Color of You (Remixes)
Data wydania: 2019-02-22
Gatunek: Remix
Producent: Qrion
Tekst: Shungudzo

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1]
You know what to say on my way out
Hit me with the "Hey, been a while"
Now I'm going straight through the fire, fire
(I don't even know why though)
Get me on a wave then you fade out
Hit me with the, "Life got me tired"
I should get away from you, I know, I know
(I don't even know why though)

High hopes, I fall for the cycle
High low, I'm on on a spiral
Love me, wide open then leave me
I don't (I don't even know why though)

I just want to put my weight on you
Switch it, smoke it, I'ma sway on you
Know I shouldn't, I'ma wait on you
I don't even know why though

I don't even know why
I don't even, I don't even
I don't even know why
I don't even, I don't even
Wide open then leave me
I don't even know why though, why though
I don't even know why
I don't even, I don't even
I don't even know why
I don't even, I don't even
Wide open then leave me
I don't even know why though, why though
I just want to put my weight on you
Switch it, smoke it, I'ma sway on you
Know I shouldn't, I'ma wait on you
I don't even know why though
I don't even know why though

[Verse 2]
Maybe it's the love that you show me
Make my body feel like it's holy
Feels too good to stay, you hurt too much to leave
You're just what I need
(I don't even know why though)

High hopes, I fall for the cycle
High low, I'm on on a spiral
Love me, wide open then leave me
I don't (I don't even know why though)

I just want to put my weight on you
Switch it, smoke it, I'ma sway on you
Know I shouldn't, I'ma wait on you
I don't even know why though
I just want to put my weight on you
Switch it, smoke it, I'ma sway on you
Know I shouldn't, I'ma wait on you
I don't even know why though

I don't even know why
I don't even, I don't even
I don't even know why
I don't even, I don't even
Wide open then leave me
I don't even know why though, why though
I don't even know why
I don't even, I don't even
I don't even know why
I don't even, I don't even
Wide open then leave me
I don't even know why though, why though

I don't even know why though
I don't even know why though
Know I shouldn't, know I shouldn't, I'ma wait on you

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jego treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe. Status swojego tłumaczenia możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.

Interpretacja piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
Dodaj interpretację
Jeśli wiesz o czym śpiewa wykonawca, potrafisz czytać "między wierszami" i znasz historię tego utworu, możesz dodać interpretację tekstu. Po sprawdzeniu przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy ją jako oficjalną interpretację utworu!

Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść poprawki musi być wypełniona. Dziękujemy za wysłanie poprawki.
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