Alison Krauss - Dust Bowl Children [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Alison Krauss
Album: Paper Airplane
Gatunek: Country

Tekst piosenki

My father’s name was Hannibal, Mama was Hanna-Mariah
Everything we owned got all burned up in the great depression fire
Strip mines and one crop farming drained the green earth dry
We lost it all till only love was left, and that was the one thing money can’t buy

We’re all Dust Bowl Children
Singin’ the dust bowl song
Well, the crops won’t grow
And the dust just blows
When the green fields are gone
When the green grass growing fields are gone
When the green fields are gone
When the green grass growing fields are gone

Well, they said in California, there’s work of every kind
The only work that I got out there was waiting on a welfare line
Once I had a dollar, once I had a dream
Now all the work is being done by a big ole machine

We’re all Dust Bowl Children
Singin’ the dust bowl song
And the crops won’t grow
And the dust just blows
When the green fields are gone
When the green grass growing fields are gone
When the green fields are gone
When the green grass growing fields are gone

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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