Aretha Franklin - Doctor's Orders [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Aretha Franklin
Album: What You See Is What You Sweat
Gatunek: Rock, R&B

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1]
Hopping, hopping till I'm energized
Cause I got something on my mind
(What is it, baby?)
So I, I said to my baby, leave the job early
Cause I got a thing for you that's killing me
(I like this stuff)
You really know just how to thrill me
You lay those pretty little words on me
So I'll be the doctor, let me work on you
(I'm ready)
And then I'll prescribe the things we gonna do

[Chorus 1]
The doctor's orders said, get some love
Said you've been goin' without it long enough, long enough
So here I am, boy, to hook you up
And that's exactly what I'm dreamin' of
(Ooh, boy, my boy)

[Verse 2]
I love it when you get sentimental
You can't be a no way but sweet and gentle
You know what to do when the world falls in
You give me the sweetest kind of medicine
I'm wit' you, with you, baby
One kiss from you would be
The world sweetest kind of surgery
So you'll be the doctor, boy, won't you be
And write up a love prescription just for me
(I'm hanging with you, baby Hang with me, baby)
I spoke to the main man at that love pharmacy
So let me just tell you, exactly what you need
I'll show you the directions but be sure you'll read the warning
(Say, what?)
Try two kisses and then call me in the morning

[Chorus 1]

Fever, fever has got a hold on you
I see a love fever and you can hardly make it
I got fever, fever about a hundred zero two
A love fever, fever and you don't think you can take it, help me

Oh, it's hot
(Say, oh, oh, oh)
Oh, I'm burning with the fever
(Oh, oh, oh)
(The doctor said)
What did he say?
(To get some love)
(And I'm so, I'm so, I'm so in love with you, baby)
You know you better be listening to what the doctor said

[Verse 3]
I feel better now, I don't know how
We did it, but we did
Will you keep hugging me and working me?
And don't you ever quit it
(Ooh, boy)
So get out of bed the doctor said
Cause you're the cure I need
For anything that's wrong with me
I'm hanging with you, baby
(Hang with me, baby)
The doctor's order said, get some love
(Hang with me, baby)
Said, you've been going without it long enough
(Stay right in, hang with me, baby)

[Chorus 2] [x2]
Here I am, boy, to hook you up
That's exactly what I'm dreaming of
The doctor said, love, doctor said, love and get you some love
Get to my love, get to my love, got to be love
(Got to be love)

Says you've been going without it long enough, long enough
(Oh, how do you want it)

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Interpretacja piosenki

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