Bas & J. Cole - Tribe [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Bas & J. Cole
Album: Milky Way, FIFA 19 Soundtrack
Data wydania: 2018-08-22
Producent: J. Cole, Childish Major
Tekst: Bas, Paulo Soledade, Fernando Lobo, Markus Randle

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: J. Cole & Bas]
This one's for you
This one's for you
I think I made it

[Chorus: Bas]
I think I made it, I think I made it
'Cause I'm always smiling, and you are the reason now
Girl, I can't explain it
It's all in the timing, I had to get low
I had to get low
I had to get back, I had to report
I had to get facts 'cause you are just that, you that
Girl, you share your truths with me
And I find them true, a muse, you in the booth with me

[Verse 1: Bas]
Can't spend no time on the nickle and dime'n
I got me a girl, she don't want no diamonds
A daily reminder to holla at God
Like "Where did you find her? Good looking, my nigga"
Everything 'round me I took it
Did it with only the niggas I knew
And a few niggas I thought I knew better
There go my bitches, I always do better
But, you're more top echelon
My next probably be a step backwards
Niggas front when they get struck with love
Like the drama majors, be the best actors
I'm done with all that tough acting
John Madden would've saw it happen, and so it happens
My niggas want life's good things, they still dreaming
And you deserve 'em too, I'ma do it just so it happens

[Chorus: Bas]
I think I made it, I think I made it
'Cause I'm always smiling, and you are the reason now
Girl, I can't explain it
It's all in the timing, I had to get low, I had to get low
I had to get back, I had to report
I had to get facts 'cause you are just that, you that
You share your truths with me
And I find them true, a muse, you in the booth with me

[Bridge: J. Cole]
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la (This one's for you)
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la (This one's for you)
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la (I'm hella faded)
La, la, la, la, la (Yeah)
La, la, la, la, la
I'm hella faded, yeah

[Verse 2: J. Cole]
I'm hella faded, I'm hella faded
These niggas been hating, I don't know the reason now
Sometimes I feel jaded
They don't see the real me
They only know Cole, they only know Co-ole
I had to get back, I had to resort to turning my back
I'm doing just that, true that
I thought he was through with me, but that wasn't true
The proof? You in the coupe with me
God shuffled the cards, dealt me a hand with impossible odds
Put an obstacle course up
Look, and I conquered them all (Conquered them all)
With minimal effort I'm fresher than sock in your drawer (Fuck)
They spinning my records so heavy, I'm topping the Forbes
Stuck in a rock and a hard place though
Is it true what they say? The higher you go, the longer the fall?
Well, I dropped to the floor, the knock at the door was on cue
Uh, I thought that I saw it all 'til I saw you
Now I call you when the sun shines and the rain dries up
I'm a pit bull, but for you I be on chain tied up (One more time)
In the backyard with a muzzle on tail wagging like Oregon Trail
Waiting on you to come through just like you do, well

[Chorus: Bas & J. Cole]
I think I made it, I think I made it, I think I made it
'Cause I'm always smiling, and you are the reason now
Girl, I can't explain it
It's all in the timing, I had to get low, I had to get low
I had to get back, I had to report
I had to get facts 'cause you are just that, you that
You share your truths with me
And I find them true, a muse, you in the booth with me

[Outro: J. Cole & Bas]
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la (This one's for you)
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la (This one's for you)
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la (This one's for you)
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
I think I made it
I think I made it, I think I made it
I think I made it
'Cause I'm always smiling and you are the reason now

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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