Billy Talent - Beach Balls [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Billy Talent
Album: Billy Talent II
Data wydania: 2006-06-27
Gatunek: Rock
Producent: Gavin Brown

Tekst piosenki

"Do it again," she said to me
So I nailed my hand to the baseboard floor
Hysterically, laughing at me
She begged the question and I begged for more
Now I water the thorn you rammed
Deep into my side, watch it fertilize
Cause you shoved your finger right down my throat
And you made me puke up all of my pride

Pop the beach balls, burn the photos
C-4 your safe and you'll never grow old
So get out of dodge and become a thought
Cause once you’re a thought, hopefully you're forgot

If we break up, don’t write a song that would
Drag my name through the shit, the mud
Cause I’ve seen some solid swimmers who drowned
When you unleashed the dam and cause the flood
But with free choice there comes freewill
And I’m so happy she decided to leave
Cause now I’m alone the demons come home
And now my plan is rolling up its sleeve

[Chorus] x2

Because my morale’s begun to decay
And all my friends have the same thing to say
They say that good times have faded away
They say that they’re all worried about me
Cause I feed birds in the cemetery
And I rake leaves off the grass in my grave
Because my memory lane is now paved

(Nothing’s wrong)
My memory lane is now paved
(There’s nothing wrong)
My memory lane is now paved
(Nothing’s wrong)
My memory lane is now paved
(There’s nothing wrong)
But now my memory’s back and there’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong
There’s nothing wrong

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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