Cal Chuchesta - I Need My Friends [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Cal Chuchesta
Album: The New CALassic
Gatunek: Rap
Tekst: Anthony Fantano

Tekst piosenki

Aye, I need my friends
I need them, I need my friends
I need my friends, I need my friends
I need my friends, I need my friends
I need my friends, I need my friends

[Verse 1]
My friends are gone when I'm in a bind
They got my front and my behind
They're always cool, they're always kind
They let me grow they let me shine
The teach me stuff, they give advice
They're never mean, they're always nice
They come hang out, when I'm alone
Bring DVDs, watch Home Alone
I'm throwing my money a wink
Are you thinking what I think
That we could be running the game
The international fame
Could be a part of the team
Gathering up all the green
Focusing on the beat
It's FrankJavCee

[Verse 2: FrankJavCee]
Yo what the fuck is FrankJavCee doing on this track
Got bars rap instrumental youtube comments lack
I got the rhythm and blues inside my mind
And lots of friendship is magic and friendship is cool
Fuck the haters let it go, frozen
I slid against the path that I have chosen
Can't go it alone let me slide into your friendzone
Hearing instrumentals like LOL, no homo
Jk, Jk, my friends go all the way-ay
By purchasing my mixtape out in stores today
You can also get it at my Bandcamp
Dear friend I wanna say, thank you, thank you
They you for the handout
Or is it handjob, but I ain't gotta job
No mob can't compete against my internet squad
Viral video, vaporwave, traphouse dreams
Dank friendship sharing all the dank ass memes
Rolling blunts everyday, my rhythm so fresh, gotta call it chill wave
But I digress I am nothing without my friends and my family
All of you can make my dreams become reality

[Verse 3: John Sakars]
I want for all beings everywhere to be good friends
I want us all to care about each other until the end
I don't like it when my fellow beings suffer
If you fall down I want to be your buffer
I want to cushion your fall and help you back up
I want to pour some water and seal your cup
I want to offer you nutritious plant foods to eat
And if your partner wants some help you find some heat
I heard a good quote the other day
It goes like this, "hurt people, hurt people"
So if people tried to hurt me then they don't get mad
Because maybe someone out there treated them bad
My mission in life is to help others
I want us all to be kind to one another
If anyone listening wants to be friends with me
I gotta tell you that would make you very happy

[Verse 4: 3PAC]
Yea son, this song right here about friendships son
It really that shit son, don't give a hoot about squat son
Son, son, son, son, son
I got a lot of friends who will always have my back
Forget about the fakes they wanna be where I'm at
In the rap game got a lot of trouts that are tryna ride the wave
Gotta sleep with the homies till the grave
The one that let you sell the cheddar when I wasn't me
The ones who always believed in me
The ones that think I'll hate the mistakes that one day I made
I've been sticking with the same homies since the fourth grade
Yea son and I keep my circle tight
So if you my homie you finna be living right
Good laugh this is just the beginning
Best believe y'all I'm finna be winning
I've had fake friends that'll stab me in the back
That shit was wack and now they regret that
Cause I'm a straight up legend in the booth
Hoot yeah, I shoot a gang sign out, I don't give a hoot, G

[Skit: Anthony Fantano & (Cal Chuchesta)]
(Here we go, ladies and gentlemen
The moment y'all been waiting for
Stepping up to the mic, it's the one and only
Antny Fantana)
Ugh no
No, no, I'm not rapping on your mixtape
(Why won't you rap on my mixtape?)
Because I'm not here to rap on your mixtape
I don't care about rapping on you mixtape
Can we stop this beat please?
(Stop the beat, stop the beat okay
Antny, why don't you wanna rap on my mixtape?)
I just don't want to, it's been really annoying over the past few months with you recording this mixtape
Bringing all these weirdos in here
Playing all these beats, rapping out loud
Taking up this room, where I have to do reviews
In order to pay the rent, so we can live here
But you're spending all that time that I could be making reviews
Recording song... raps, whatever, in this room, and it's just being
Uh... it's becoming a nuisance
(Well, ain't you gonna review the mixtape?)
No, prob-probably not
(Well, how am I supposed to get on the XXL cover for the freshmen)
That's not really my problem, I don't care
(Why aren't you being supportive of my raps dreams)
Listen, this needs to stop
And you just need to go back over to the Cal zone right now
So please go back to the whack Cal zone, please
Please, thank you, that's where you need to be, please, thank you
Um, hi everyone, listen, sorry about all of the....
(Can't believe you, you jerk)
Sorry about all of the probably bad music up until this point
But um, we really can't blame that on anybody but ourselves so
I allowed this to go too far, you encouraged it that was you
That was your fault, you did this
You can't, you can't encourage Cal when he does this stuff
You know it's bad, you know it's not good and but yet you say it's good
And uh that just that makes things worse for all of us believe me
Believe me it makes things worse for everyone, uh
When you do that, so in the future please do be a little more careful
Because it's not nice to pretend Cal is doing something good when he is not doing something good
That's just the way it needs to be, the way it needs to be going into the future
So I will see you later, hope you're doing well, and again sorry, sorry
(Will Smith, that's my favorite rapper right there
That's my favorite rap)

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Jeśli znasz język na tyle, aby móc swobodnie przetłumaczyć ten tekst, zrób to i dołóż swoją cegiełkę do opisu tej piosenki. Po sprawdzeniu tłumaczenia przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy je jako oficjalne tłumaczenie utworu!

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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