CBeatz - Breezy Walks [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: CBeatz
Album: Ready For The Moment
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

Verse 1: CBeatz
I'm just like that nigga Drama fucking young and reckless
But can you change from cool to restless?
Niggas spit bad they fresh breath just turned into death shit
Dear mama, I'm bout to jump off the edge shit
And these motherfuckers trying to figure out evil
When the only problem was that nigga from Texas
Watch my flow drop as I just crash this pen
She said she ain't a ho but she cracks up at abstinence
I'm just trying to be fresh shit
I hope none of my women become bitches on that 16 & Pregnant
Best protect ya neck when I'm going for gold
They say you don't know what you got till it's gone
Nigga I'm home !
Repping H-Town to the throne
Even if I make it there, or make it anywhere
Shit I was 3 when we lost all 3000 souls
How far would you go to start killing for dough, damn

Hook: CBeatz
Lord show me the way cause the Devil tryna break me down
The only thing I pray is that my feet dont fail me now
And I don't think there's nothing I can do except right my wrong's
I want to talk to the lord, but we haven't spoke in so long, so long

Verse 2: CBeatz
Now I'm killing everybody like the last Rambo
You a star turned criminal, Pacman Jones
Get these girls in my bed in a sec, I'm Mclovin
These bitches ask for more dick shit they Jon Lovitz !
Show me where the love is
Cause this racism gotta fucking stop for the youngest
He said "I'm dedicating forever, and this is how it must be"
But no news is good when every truth is ugly
Do you trust me ? I'm fly like Clark Kent
Saying I'm fake and two face but I ain't Harvey Dent
But when all else fails you just fade to black
A miracle when a teen chose education over crack
Imagine that ? Yeah it happens
Except when you grow up hard, learn from your surroundings
We don't need a leader saying what he will do
But what he guarantees, fore' we start begging on our knees, God please !
A prophet like Socrates, young god like Hercules
Nah I ain't that shit yet, but you know whats coming next
Biggy and Pac got shot before they could put violence to a stop
And that't why now I entered the game of hip-hop
And I ain't gone till I blow up, motherfucking bitch niggas on my cock
I wanna let everybody know me from the block
That shit's hot !

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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