Ceschi - Hangman [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Ceschi
Album: The One Man Band Broke Up
Data wydania: 2010-06-29
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Hook x2]
Hang in there hangman
Swinging from a gallows pole
That dust from your bones
Will help the flowers grow

Try to die with a smile on
Your final fighting defiant song
Long gone
Are the worshiping fans and entourage
Messiahs lost
In a corporate sanctioned holocaust
Falling off
Is more than slipping from buildings or rocks
We'll remember the classic records forever
Those moments before hopelessness choked your focus and left you severed
We can smell the death of winter
It burns out our nostril hairs
And tosses the frail
Fossils from here
Dropping entrails
Over yellow brick roads
That are now covered in piss
Not gold
Riddled with potholes
So rot slow
With the rest of the apostles
God knows
What the world could have been with you
Before the mighty monster chewed your sinews
And spit you into
Something so cynical and simple

There is a terror that plagues the bearers of veins barren of blood
But for the bitter fetor of liquid love
Oh child, undone, your time has come

In absolute awe, we stared as you fastened on to your fears fearlessly
Peering into the mirror, then crafting songs from your experiences there
Such searing sermons on the self, delivered from an impermanent pulpit
Built of heartwreck, regret, sex, bourbon, and bullshit
The crashing down was catastrophic
The sadness sounded from some seven hundred thousand heartbeats halting
Oh, entire cities retired to pity this liars departure
The fires it sparked were but sires to quiet hearths where aspiring authors made i and irony mired martyrs
Sirens sang from the swells, secrets you swore you’d never tell
A closed casket to cloak your gross cadaver, bloated, throat, rope ravaged
Your rigor mortise riddled corpse. this empty shell

[Hook x4]

[Mic King]
They teach us pull ourselves together in a game of hangman
Firing blanks and empty the clip now hang in the balancing act - uality
That the honor we have is not about us but the collars we sla - shhhh
...And there's a hush over the crowd
Hanging heads holding the crowns unload silver cloaking the clouds
While clothes make the mantra affix ya face to waistband
Take chance, risk inconsiderate vowels (vows)
Line your liner notes by the throat, cause this is a noun
Win lose or draw, go through withdrawals, perform to your credit
Be deified by the palindrome at the speed of life by pawning your ethics
Rise or fall in this life sentence by applied grammar
Talk is cheap til they hang on your every word like sky banners

[David Ramos]
Give it up for once last time
Yes, one last hurrah
One final round of applause before our hero dissolves
And when the clock hit ten
There was no opening act
No one to heighten impact
The stage was fully intact
For the one man band to react
To the sold out crowd in his mind
In 1999
No one could have ever thought there would have been a possibility of such a well adjusted wannabe celebrity to ever come to utter culmination like this
So there wasn't any total bliss
An imaginary pussy fest
Cause there's no outlets left for the one man band
As he stands on the stage half naked covered in sweat
So let backup tracks on your Discman blast
As you revisit the past
And reinterpret the laughs

[Hook x8]

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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