Childish Gambino feat. 21 Savage , Ink , Kadhja Bonet - Psilocybae (Millennial Love) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Childish Gambino
Album: Atavista
Data wydania: 2024-05-13
Gatunek: Rap, Pop, R&B

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Childish Gambino]
Uh (Uh)

[Verse 1: Childish Gambino]
Someone made a mess in my account (Someone sound like me, yes)
Someone bought a Patek in a panic (Yes, yes)
Bode, Bentley addict, I go manic (Oh no)
Hit the oochie-coochie 'til it's slanted, ooh
I'm gon' beat it up, ooh, lady
I'm gon' make your dreams come, baby
Ayy, you the one who talkin' all that trash (You the one who talkin' all that trash)
Forty-five, I'll twenty-eight that ass (Ooh)
You can set the snow on fire (Yeah, ooh)
You smell like a peach papaya
She said, "Eat this psilocybin, I'ma be right back"
I'm like, "Aight" ("Aight")
"Ayy, I don't know what psilocybin is" (No)
"This better not be no molly"
She just laughed and closed the door
Dark chocolate, sea salt
I took a bite (Uh, uh)
She said, "We gon' have a special night" (Ooh, ayy)
I said, "Who you telling, girl? I know that"
Tracee Ellis with it when you throw back (Ooh, yeah)
Girl, I see your (Shadow move)
Ooh, you're so divine (Yes, you are)
And them panties came off (Ooh, yes they did)
I'ma give you some privacy (Uh)
Pictures with your stepsisters (Hmm)
N. K. Jemisin with you, uh
Got the All About Love, on some bell hooks
Then I turned to a dirty look, uh (Meow)
Ayy, why your cat lookin' at me sideways?
"Sing to her"
I said, "Nah, I'll put on the radio though"

I might let you go

[Verse 2: Childish Gambino]
Lay back on my back (Uh), vibrate
My ex on some BS
She walked out the closet
Girl, never write a check I can't deposit
She said, "Boy, stop, let's go walkin'" (Let's go walkin')
"You wanna be outside for this" (Hold on)
We just talkin'
Dogpark looking like a Trader Joe's (Roof, roof)
Papillon, mmh, thought you hated those
Other girls, uh, let they shady show
Every time we walk around
They say, "How she gonna hold him down?" No (Mmm)
They don't know what they missing
Most these niggas wanna run around with these SZA's (Yeah)
I prefer to just stroll the park with this Chaka
Baby girl was just diggin' all in my pockets
I was going hard (By the magic hour)
We were holdin' hands, tried to make me understand (Ooh, uh, yeah)
Make girls fall in love, that's my (Magic power), yes
Everybody's jealous I won't ease it with these colors (Uh, uh)
(Ooh, I wanna see it in the moonlight)
Yellow, red, orange robe, askin' for donation (Ooh)
I'm not a tourist, nigga, this is not vacation (I am not a tourist, nigga, this is not vacation)
Goddamn, man, this girl goin' crazy on my Motorola
(She said) "Let me answer it" (Let me answer)
Then she'll know it's over (Ooh)
Girl, you cancerous, you gon' ruin my life (Ah-ah)
Let me get this paperweight, then come be my wife
She just laughed and touched my face (What you mean?)
You don't understand what this is (Oh wait, wait, wait, wait)
I ain't lookin' for another lifetime
Let's just stay here and enjoy the great design
Had the iceberg tucked in my waist (Bling)
Fuck an omelet (Ooh), you can eat off my face (No)
I just thought that we were vibin' (Ayy)
You don't love her, then you lyin' (Uh)
Come and go and you get tulips
Put a finger to my two lips (It's okay)
Ooh, you got it bad, just remember what we had
You can set the snow on fire
The reason that you suffer is desire (Huh)
The reason that I'm moving with this ooh-wee
I was lovin' life, I got too deep (I was too deep)
Woke up in my room, she was long gone
Toni singing me another sad song (Ooh)
Oh, until we meet again

[Bridge: Kadhja Bonet]
This ain't special, tell me what you want
This ain't special, baby, this is fun
This ain't special, tell me what you want
This ain't special, baby, this is fun

[Verse 3: 21 Savage]
Drop it off (21), let me see if your booty soft
Gold mouth (Hold up, hold up), yes, I'm from the Dirty South
Lights out (Straight up), summertime, I brought the ice out (21)
Pipes out (On God), all my shooters came from Moscow
Got a girl in Harvard, I talk proper when I call her (21)
Baby, I'm a baller, ain't no way that I can raw ya (Straight up)
She don't want no new friends, she just tryna buy her a new Benz (On God)
I've been counting M's, me and Ben Franklin damn near kin (On God)
Put my mind to it and I did it, them facts (21)
Talkin' 'bout your brother to get some pussy, that's wack (Straight up)
The police keep harassin' 'cause I'm rich and I'm black (Straight up)
They mad 'cause I made myself a boss without crack (On God)
I ain't trippin', boy, I'm Lamborghini whippin' (21, 21)
Straight up out the trenches, money made me ign'ant (It did)
I'm on a private jet eatin' Popeyes chicken (21)
I be flexin' like I'm eatin' Popeye's spinach (21, 21, 21)

[Outro: Ink]
Morning dew
Percolating, still have a little time for Sunday, ooh (So baby, let's take it back to the crib)
(Back to the, back, back to the)
Baby, I might let you go
Babe, baby, no matter what
And like I switch the other side of me
Baby got a whole lotta ride on me
Babe, baby, let's take it back to crib
Back, back to the crib
Back, back to the, babe
I might let you go
Baby, baby, no matter what
And I can, I can, I can, I can
To the crib
Back to the crib, back to the
And no one seen them
Baby, I, baby, baby, I

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"Psilocybae (Millennial Love)" to utwór pochodzący z wydanej 13 maja 2024 roku rozszerzonej wersji czwartego pełnowymiarowego albumu studyjnego Childish Gambino, zatytułowanego "3.15.20". Wydawnictwo noszące tytuł "Atavista" ukazało się za pośrednictwem wytwórni Wolf + Rothstein, mcDJ Recording oraz RCA Records.


Projekt został zapowiedziany przez Donalda na jego koncie na Instagramie 15 marca 2024 roku, cztery lata po ujawnieniu istnienia projektu. Warto zauważyć, że data premiery to żartobliwa zmiana dat wydania: 3.15.20 na 13.5.24.


Album "Atavista" zawiera dwa ulubione utwory fanów, "Atavista" i "Human Sacrifice". Oba utwory zostały po raz pierwszy zaprezentowane w 2018 roku, podczas ostatniej światowej trasy koncertowej Gambino, ale z nieznanych powodów nie znalazły się na ostatecznej wersji albumu. Na albumie znalazły się premierowe utwory oraz nowe wersje utworów "Little Foot Big Foot", teraz z udziałem Young Nudy'ego, oraz "Human Sacrifice".


Do współpracy przy piosence zaproszeni zostali: Ink, Kadhja Bonet oraz 21 Savage. "Psilocybae (Millennial Love)" eksploruje tematy intymności, samopoznania, dynamiki relacji i doznań psychodelicznych. Utwór przedstawia narrację o romantycznym spotkaniu, którego doznania wzmocniło użycie tytułowych "magicznych grzybów" i zagłębia się w złożoność współczesnych związków.


"Psilocybae (Millennial Love)" oferuje zniuansowaną eksplorację miłości, intymności i samopoznania przez pryzmat doświadczeń psychedelicznych i współczesnej dynamiki relacji. Skomplikowana treść utworu, odniesienia kulturowe i głębia tematyczna tworzą bogaty zbiór emocji i refleksji na temat złożoności relacji międzyludzkich w epoce cyfrowej - epoce tytułowych milenialsów czyli pokolenia Y.

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