Chink Money - Tiger Uppercut [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Chink Money
Album: Abomination
Data wydania: 2009-09-09
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: $kunky Rhythm$

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Tekst piosenki

I'm been sitting in the muhfugging crib
Playing video games all the muhfugging day
Fuck all that shit
I'm bout to take this shit to the streets
For real mutha fucka, know what I'm saying

[Verse 1]
I'm malicious
I got calluses on my thumbs from smashing you punk ass bitches
Who want war? Who wanna play me in some fighting games?
You can call me Raiden the way that I make lighting rain...
Down upon you
Tell me what you gon' do
I've seen The Matrix forty fuckin times, I know kung fu
I karate with Mr Miyagi while sipping on sake
And hitting on hotties... with big ol' titties
You try to fuck with me
I'll put your head up your ass and now you're feeling shitty
What a pity, you don't wanna get stomped ho
And feel the wrath of a 20-hit combo
Punch, kick, jump, punch, punch, kick
That's what you gon' get for talking a bunch of dumb shit
I'm from another realm, step into my portal
And I will spin kick your monkey ass like Eddy Gordo
So you shouldn't come near, I reckon
I'm going off of 14 years of Tekken
What's my mentality? Assault and battery
You wanna battle me, it will result in fatalities
And casualties
Dismantle these... fags who think
They can even hold a candle to Chink
You challenging me? I can see your rattling knees
How the fuck do you expect to ever handle a beast?

Any mutha fucka, any mutha fucka test me
Any mutha fucka, any mutha fuckaaa
I said any mutha fucka, any mutha fucka test me
Tiger Uppercut straight to the testes

[Verse 2]
I'm a soldier with a chip on his shoulder
Don't make me drop this controller and beat you with a stroller
With a baby still in it... I'm demented
Cheat codes made my ammo infinite
So it's rat-tat-tat-tat, rat-tat-tat-tat
Feel the swing of my baseball bat against your back
Talk smack and get slapped
You jap and I'll snap
And shove your head halfway up your asscrack
Then take it out and call you Crappy McPoopins
And laugh, then blast you with a nasty Hadouken
Chanman is too sick, yeah man I'm ruthless
But don't be fooled cuz I'm built like a used toothpick
Skinny muthafucka uppercut your nose off
Knock your ass out and piss on you while you're dozing off
You're catching ZZZzz while I"m testing my weaponry
Uppercut to your nuts, give your ass a vasectomy


And now you can't have children x4

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Interpretacja piosenki

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