Chris Brown - Sex Memories [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Chris Brown
Album: Breezy
Gatunek: R&B

Tekst piosenki

S-S-S-Sex memories
B-B-B-Best memories
S-S-S-Sex memories
(Sex memories)

[Verse 1: Chris Brown]
Yeah, woke up to a text from you that said, "Are you sleepin'?"
Knowin' damn well I'd come alive in the evenin'
You know I need that ass a lot when we beefin'
I know you want it and don't even gotta pretend
Call me as soon as you pull up, you got the gate code
The door's unlocked, I'm sittin' right here with this bankroll
She bend it over, put her hands down on her ankles (Ooh, yеah)
Yeah, that's the type of shit I likе, yeah
[Pre-Chorus: Chris Brown]
Promise when I do it to you, I'ma do it right (Oh-oh)
Put them legs up (Yeah) in the sky (Yeah)
Feel like you gon' fly, like we fuckin' on a cloud
Sextin' to me, bring me right to my knees (Oh-oh)

[Chorus: Chris Brown & Ella Mai]
I wanna make sex memories (Memories)
'Cause we made the best memories (Oh, memories)
When you look at the bed, you think of me
It's hard for you to forget me when I leave (Leave)
I wanna make sex memories (Oh, memories)
'Cause we made the best memories
When you look at the bed, you think of me (When you look, when you look)
When you're lookin' back, you're seein' me

[Verse 2: Ella Mai]
You want it so bad, but it be ready when I say so
Make me forget that I had any other love before
'Cause I'll flip it up (Yeah)
While you take it down
In the end, boy, you gonna want another round (Yeah)
No talkin', I got plans for you
Open it up and it's an ocean view
You already know that this is tellin' bitches to mind they business
I'm your favorite now
Promise, come get it, get it
Don't ask me stay the night (Ooh, yeah)
No need to watch the clock, take your time (Time)
Your hands all on the spot (Spot)
I can't wait to think about sex memories
Have you beggin' on your knees, uh-huh
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[Chorus: Chris Brown & Ella Mai]
I wanna make sex memories (I wanna)
'Cause we made the best memories (Oh, memories)
When you look at the bed, you think of me (I think of you, I think of you, ah yeah)
It's hard for you to forget me when I leave (I wanna)
I wanna make sex memories (I wanna, I wanna)
'Cause we made the best memories (We made the best, girl, we made)
When you look at the bed, you think of me (Yeah)
When you're throwin' it back, you look at me, yeah-yeah

[Verse 3: Chris Brown, Ella Mai, Both]
When I look at the backseat of my Rover
Had plenty room, so that one time, I bent you over
What about that time I had you leakin' on my sofa?
I'm sayin' I can't help it, thinkin' 'bout you so much
When I'm lookin' at my kitchen, girl, it's you (You, you, you, you, you)
I have the camera, you know it set the mood, yeah (Let's make a movie, yeah)
This time I'm thinkin' we can try somethin' new
Yeah, that's the type of shit I like, yeah

[Pre-Chorus: Chris Brown, Ella Mai, Both]
Promise when I do it to you, I'ma do it right
Put them legs up in the sky
Feel like you gon' fly, like we fuckin' on a cloud
All these sex memories of you at night (Oh, baby)

[Chorus: Chris Brown, Ella Mai, Both]
I wanna make sex memories (I do)
'Cause we made the best memories (Oh yeah)
When you look at the bed, you think of me (I do, I do)
It's hard for you to forget me when I leave
I wanna make sex memories (Oh, memories)
'Cause we made the best memories
When you look at the bed, you think of me
When you're throwin' it back, you look at me

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Jeśli wiesz o czym śpiewa wykonawca, potrafisz czytać "między wierszami" i znasz historię tego utworu, możesz dodać interpretację tekstu. Po sprawdzeniu przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy ją jako oficjalną interpretację utworu!

Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Chris nawiązuje tu do dwóch utworów: dusznego singla "Take You Down" z listopada 2007 roku oraz singla Fat Joe "Another Round" z października 2011 roku:. „Cause in the end, girl, you're gonna want another round (Another round)/ Kolejna runda (Kolejna runda)/ Girl, you're gonna want another round (Another round)/ Kolejna runda (Kolejna runda)”.


W utworze "Sex Memories" Chris Brown i Ella Mai wspólnie wyrażają, że pragną jedynie związku "bez zobowiązań", a także emocji, które wiążą się z jego utrzymaniem. Po "This X-Mas" i "Whatchamacallit" jest to już trzecia wspólna praca tych dwojga artystów.

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