Chris Cash The Gifted - Fire [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Chris Cash The Gifted
Album: Above The Clouds Vol 1
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Chris Cash The Gifted, Matty Cee

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Tekst piosenki

Chris Cash:

We party hard no republican or democrat
Where the party at
Is wherever that we be at
We sending shots
Taking shot nigga dont debate it
No haircut but we sittin here getting faded
This that super hot fire
Y'all just hatin
Servin all you niggas guess you could just say that im waitin
On the outside lookin in
Niggas want a way in
We got mad punch lines
This is just the weigh-in
I am the cake boss im cruisin no kate moss
We blowin money fast we ain't talkin bout Rick Ross
Last time i checked i was the man with these beats
Last time i checked i was the man on these streets
Im producer slash rapper i seduce her
Then i smash her then i disappear like a ghost you can call me Casper
No love for these hoes im not one for agriculture
Your boy is in the building i am in the infrastructure bitch

Chorus X2

Chris Cash:

We spit that fire
Get anything we desire
Call us sire
And get what we require
Cause we kings on our throne
In the kingdome that we own
Got your girl on the phone


I walk in with a suit and tie
All these bitches know im fly
Yeah so what i've been drinking
Can't you just tell by my eyes
I think im starting to see double
Well i guess now
Im in deep trouble
Oh shit there goes my legs
Great now im about to fuckin crumble
1 shot 2 shots 3 shots 4
Hold that thought let me get 10 more
Man im getting so damn faded
Somebody get me to the fuckin door
Yeah im living in the sky
Cause im part of Cloud9
All we do is party hard then talk about it in our rhymes
Cause we are so fuckin real
Everybody knows the deal
Most people try to be us
But they will never know how it feels
Tryna get discovered in this booth
Spittin fire while speakin the truth
If you wanna see a couple of kings
Look at us were living proof
Cause we sittin on the trone
And we did this one our own
All we used to do is roam
T'ill we found our true home
Passin through with the entire crew
Welcome to the Cloud9 Music Group
Middle fingers up cause we don't wanna talk to you

Chorus X2

Chris Cash:

We spit that fire
Get anything we desire
Call us sire
And get what we require
Cause we kings on our throne
In the kingdome that we own
Got your girl on the phone

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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