City Girls - That Old Man [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: City Girls
Album: City on Lock
Data wydania: 2020-06-20
Gatunek: East Coast
Producent: Quay Global, Earl on the Beat
Tekst: Ester Dean, Luke, Harry Wayne Casey, Richard Finch, Melvin Hough, JT, Yung Miami, Rivelino, Frank “Nitty” Brim, Chris Rosser

Tekst piosenki

(Cook that shit up, Quay)
(Earl on the Beat)

[Chorus: Ester Dean]
Put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Put some money in the slot and the pussy-
Put, put, put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Wind it up, wind it up like he jack in the box
Put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Put some money in the slot and the pussy-
Put, put, put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Wind it up, wind it up like he jack in the box
He like-

[Verse 1: JT]
All these niggas all up on my dick
They just wanna fuck a famous bitch (Uh, uh, uh)
So I made him get in line, made him buy a ticket
I make a nigga pay a fee right before he lick it
I'ma ride that dick like a broom on Wicked (M,m)
Uncle Luke said, "Don't stop, get it, get it" (Don't stop, get it, get it)
See this ice around my neck, yeah it's QC (Ice)
Take me to the jeweler, nigga, fuck the movies (Fuck that)
And this pussy more wetter than jacuzzi (Splash)
It'll knock a nigga out like a roofie (Goodnight)
This scam nigga don't wanna trick
That don't matter 'cause it don't stop shit (You ain't stoppin' shit)
Uh, bye, movin' right along
New bae from the A and his dick real long (Hey bae)
I fuck him good, move a bitch to Calabasas (Oww)
Bugatti JT, I make him come the fastest (Broom)

[Chorus: Ester Dean]
Put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Put some money in the slot and the pussy-
Put, put, put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Wind it up, wind it up like he jack in the box
Put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Put some money in the slot and the pussy-
Put, put, put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Wind it up, wind it up like he jack in the box

[Verse 2: Yung Miami]
Uh, it's Yung Miami, pussy make a nigga act up (Period)
These diamonds dancin', what the fuck I need a flash for? (Bitch)
(Mm-hmm) These hoes broke, and they jealous like (Mm-hmm)
This ass clappin', records sellin' light (Ayy)
Rolls Royce and the bitch sittin' cozy
Runnin' circles round these niggas, ring around the rosy
It make me happy when he buy a bitch a lotta things (Oww)
He a trick, I call him up just to get the ring (Uh)
Put that dick up in my stomach like a belly ring
He think he buyin' Gucci, bitch, these Fashion Nova jeans
I don't care 'cause he not mine, I swipe 'til his card 'til it decline (Period)

[Chorus: Ester Dean]
Put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Put some money in the slot and the pussy-
Put, put, put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Wind it up, wind it up like he jack in the box
Put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Put some money in the slot and the pussy-
Put, put, put some money in the slot and the pussy will pop
Wind it up, wind it up like he jack in the box
He like-

[Outro: JT]
I don't care but he so sprung
Make him pull out before he come
He got receipts, but no refunds
'Cause these niggas so fuckin' dumb

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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