Clay Dollaz & Lil Esparo - Victorious [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Clay Dollaz & Lil Esparo
Data wydania: 2014-04-27
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Juice808

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Tekst piosenki

Clay Dollaz:

Don't make me skate all on u niggas
From the way that my ice stretch
Don't make it unsafe for all of you niggas
But I ain't into making life threats
Niggas out here talking like bout that
My lil niggas bout racks if u bout dat
I give em retail prices then u out that
That nigga like steak in woods I'll leave em outback wooooAin't grew up a screw up
All the big homies they knew us
All of the bitches was on us
Always had razors no scooter
This lil shawty I knew her
That bitch gimmie head like a tutor
The car call it dell it computer
And all of my links be from Cuba
I'm out for the paper check facts out
A couple niggas dat I kno be pulling racks out
Out for the cheese kno some niggas putting rats out
All black foreign like I'm pulling bats out
My nigga hitting on them numbas he on a max out
Done seen money come n go im giving tax out
Done played in the game nigga check the stats out
Keep ya eye open niggas putting gatz out
Homie up north for the hammer jerry stack house
My Cuzzo in the field steady dealing packs out
That's what I rap bout only time I seen a traphouse Tom & Jerry in the field we playing cat mouse
300 hundred niggas behind me
And only the family wit me I'm grimey
Got 2 pistols on me they siames
My gun ain't afraid to hit like tsunamis nigga!!

Clay Talking: Yeah nigga Ayo Lil E man I just tell em to sign my name on the X man after that everything else will fall in place man just need you to give em something for me man, some hard shit for the hood man talk to em

Lil Esparo:

It's Me and kc we riding through town all up in the beama
Got 2 ride or die chicks in the back and they toting the steamer
We smoking on loud We sippin on purp lil nigga I'm leaning
These niggas fronting Fuck keeping my cool It's time to just steam em
Cause nigga Imma g
Make one call And ya ass go capeesh
Couple niggas from Southside leave ya mouth wide you gon live the rest of ya life saying cheese
A lot of niggas underestimating me
Imma Lil nigga holding the heart of a beast
Never ducking no wreck, I just cut the check my niggas know I gotta keep my record clean
Finally my nigga clay with me
Cause If a roach in my lane he'll spray with me
Real recognize real get paid with me
Grunge Cake is the squad come bang with me
And I got couple niggas main baes with me
They saw the chips and dipped to come lay with me
Fuck the pussy good now she tryna stay with me
Man I told that ho it's no way baby!!!
Cause it's back to money can't let that fall
Cash rules everything around this squad
Putting on for the hood yeah that's our job
And for lil mike and Nate nigga I got hard!
Umma tell u like this boy we ain't fraud
The last nigga played tough got his whole life paused
For this rap shit I'm showing no remorse
Gettin rid of the fugazy man they all getting tossed Nigga!!

Lil Esparo Talking: Now tell them niggas to put my name next to the X too. Southside we outside Lil E KC y'all niggas better catch up boy!

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Interpretacja piosenki

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