C-Murder - For My Homies [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: C-Murder
Album: Aint No Heaven In The Pen
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

They were jumping that border
Until I'll die I will hold it down as a hope
From my niggas they be
They be with us
They were jumping that border
Until I'll die I will hold it down as a hope

[Verse 1]
He was the first to jump hat far
So all the thing will be crazy
When your daddy was here
He used to show what he thought
Now he up smiling
Watching us all
I cherish all memories
Can't bury all memories
Remember that I drank too much Hennessey
I used to hustle hard
Now I learned to hustle smart
I show you the days I miss
We enjoy the ride though
You hit no nation
Nigga that's for sure
I show it from the heart
So nigga this is the truth

They were jumping that border
Until I'll die I will hold it down as a hope
From my niggas they be
They be with us
They were jumping that border
Until I'll die I will hold it down as a hope

[Verse 2]
And I will do it for real
For a fucking nigga
As I look in the mirror
I see my chest getting bigger
I'm like bitch take a picture
I might not be here for long
I sleep with gats in my bed
I got one taped to my leg
I'm out here makin' it real
I'm out here bustin' the nigga
A lot of couples are dead
Rest in peace to your soul
I got the world on my shoulder
I break down the blowers
Baby I told you it will be over
I can't live to be bad
They can't get the money
So I'll ride if I have to
My name will be ringing forever
Get a nigga on mission
A mission more than myself
I feel like murkin' muyself
How could they give you no help?
That's why I'm out here now

This is for my niggas that are dead
And they are dead with us
They were jumping that border
Until I'll die I will hold it down as a hope
From my niggas they be
They be with us
This is for my niggas that are dead
And they are dead with us
They were jumping that border
Until I'll die I will hold it down as a hope

[Verse 4]
I'm a ride to see
Count it 'til
They got us on the street
All they wanted was the heat
Lookin' into the belly of the beast
Everybody says it's gonna be the last move
Fuck with me
And I'll mess you up you asshole
What a stack yo
It's that 2 shit
We hustle hard to get new shit
We will ride with it
Or lose stitch
I got caught up
Put it up in a project
Work on it
Never doubt about the money
Never had shit
You wanna get up?
I will never murder this
Rest in peace to my real niggas

This is for my niggas that are dead
And they are dead with us
They were jumping that border
Until I'll die I will hold it down as a hope
From my niggas they be
They be with us
This is for my niggas that are dead
And they are dead with us
They were jumping that border
Until I'll die I will hold it down as a hope

As I'm coming bro

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Interpretacja piosenki

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