C-Murder - Hard 2 Be Black [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: C-Murder
Album: Aint No Heaven In The Pen
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Verse One: C-Murder]
Yeah it's hard to be us
We pray to god so in god we trust
We must cease enough
Cuz its unjust
Can't touch my green dubs
[?] cold heart in me
I see the boys in the making in my building
Children no pop guns yep they got real ones
Nobody feel them but me yeah I really feel them
That's why I'm still in the jets and I got millions
We love souls
Hate it for hell the cross roads
Genocide I don't care if I die nigga my heart froze
I smoke dose I'm killing myself with the same Glock
I can't stop I got that thang under my tank top
So I roam like Trayvon to clip my hair
I drank and a beer and shit and tear plus my momma said
Well you gon' die soon
So I look up to the moon
And say fuck it with the middle finger I'm a goon

[Hook x2: C-Murder]
Nowadays it's hard to be black
Gotta watch my back they see me running and packed cause nowadays it's hard to be black

[Verse Two: Boosie Badazz]
It's hard be black
And even harder when your money flowing like water
Some won't be a thug foo some won't be his father
Judge he turned his nose up
Sinning is bad
Life with no parole how they sin us us blacks
9 times out of 10 we killing our own kind
Liquor store on every corner the killers in due time (yessir)
Ain't lying my [?] no got peace
A shoot me from the back gon' run from police
Its so hard to be me a successful nigga
Got these devils pissed off at my complexion nigga
Cuz I'm black seem like it so hard to get hired
Cuz I'm black seem like its easier to get fired
Cuz I'm black seem like its easier to get time
Same charge, white boy gave 5 [?]
Obama ain't lying you made it hard for a nigga
In the black [?] they tryna slaughter a nigga
Its hard

[Hook x2]

[Verse Three: Snoop Dogg]
You see the system was designed to keep us all down
That's why they [?]
Burning it down
My sound go cray through it
Put a real team to it don't dream do it
See, we got to be live more careful
Shit this is so terrible
Now take a look in the mirror
It seems like you can't see what I see so I'ma make it clearer
Its hard being black
Give us all the fame then you take it right back
Now how we supposed to act
Now we can't work, can't eat like that
These the rules of the game
They built you up now you can't go down which is a shame
Materialistic [?]
When your black its a fact
Living life is optimistic

[Hook x2]

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