Common - Leaders (Crib Love) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Common
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Common]
I'm into Chi-Town heroes like Fred Hampton
And neighborhood Deebos, the rebirth of D. Rose
The eye of a eagle, I keep on the people
Some gettin’ repoed, some Niclo
Since I was a shorty I had vision like Calico
Opportunity knocks, I'm lookin' through the peephole
In my daughter’s laugh, I can hear a deep soul
E was my first love, now I'm on the sequel
Heart stay open, in you I keep gold
Crossroads of beast mode to peace mode
Southeast cold, Avalon to Eckersall
Too much on my back to set it off
From the offset, I just wanna be, be, be
Like Cardi or 'Oncé, or Harry Belafonte
Whenever I eat, my peeps get the same entrée
Like they my fiance
It ain't easy, when niggas like, "Feed me"
When I ain't got it they don't believe me
Read me truth, lead me truth
The birth of freedom can't be induced
We reproduce, so our fruits can see
The fruit's a harvest for the world that the mustard seed produced
Faith walk my thoughts through yellow tape and chalk
Tiger style, gettin’ it back on course

[Chorus: Samora Pinderhughes]
Well, well, well, well, well, well, well
They want us to be in jail
But you know we’ll never fail
We goin' up, yeah, we goin’ up
No this soul is not for sale
I won't put that on them scales
And I know we will prevail (Will prevail, will prevail)

[Verse 2: Common]
Man, I'm strugglin', man, I be strugglin’
'Til something inside tell me to come again
Like when you fuckin' and you get another wind
I'm from the City of Wind, that's another win
Take the L, green line, red line, get your paper, headlines
Tryna feed your fam, get fed time
It happens, trappin' and rappin' got us backed in
To a corner, it's normal for black men
The Marcus Garvey, Bob Marley reenactment
Savion with a beard, yo, I'm tapped in
Stretch money and make it do a back bend
Frontin' niggas try to front you on the back end
Live from the Chi' where, guns be clappin'
Poetic justice, with raps I'm snappin'
Meditatin' took Kamasi song, ask him
Robbin' in Baskin, our heroes ain't masked men
When I do it, Com' do it with passion
My compassion for brown and black skin
In the hood I used to backspin
Now I'm spinnin' back in the hood
When I'm back, "Yo, what's good?"
If you stand up, then that's understood
I tell the black sheep, "Don't react to them wolves"
Crib love, our heroes are on murals
So five Euros get told in their earlobe
That they can let fear go
Souls clear the way, let these palms pirouette
Or pirouette, in the silhouette of blackness and cigarettes

[Chorus: Samora Pinderhughes]
Well, well, well, well, well, well, well
They want us to be in jail
But you know we'll never fail
We goin' up, yeah, we goin' up
No this soul is not for sale
I won't put that on them scales
And I know we will prevail (Prevail, prevail)

[Outro] [Scratch: A-Trak]
I-I-I-I don't support the rights of people because I'm a politician
I support the rights of people because it's deep within me
A natural part of my own development
I am the outroll plan of this father and mother
A-And the results afforded to my years of struggle

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Chi-Town to pseudonim miasta Chicago w stanie Illinois. Fred Hampton był działaczem na rzecz praw obywatelskich z Illinois, najbardziej znanym ze swojego zaangażowania w Partię Czarnych Panter, aż do zabójstwa w 1969 roku.


Cardi B to raperka pochodząca z Nowego Jorku, najbardziej znana z takich przebojów jak „Bodak Yellow” i „Be Careful”. Od wydania tej piosenki w sierpniu 2019 r. stała się żoną rapera Offseta, który zyskał sławę jako członek Migos.


Beyoncé jest gwiazdą popu i R&B, która zyskała na znaczeniu jako członek grupy dziewczęcej Destiny's Child. Na kilka dni przed wydaniem tej piosenki Forbes ogłosiła, że ​​Bey była drugą najlepiej zarabiającą artystką w 2019 r., gromadząc 81 milionów dolarów.


Harry Belafonte to afroamerykański muzyk najbardziej znany z takich piosenek, jak „Day-O (The Banana Boat Song). Common nawiązuje do bardzo kultowego filmu Poetic Justice z 1993 roku, który wyreżyserował nieżyjący już reżyser John Singleton.

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