Crips - Nationwide Rip Ridaz [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Crips
Album: Nationwide Rip Ridaz
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

I'm casted out, casted up Loc, locked down I'm a menace
I gives it up, I give a fuck, a Loc for life cause I'm with it
I C fresh, dressed - like a million bucks
I am the loc'est rip rider in the navy blue Chucks
Not the low top type cause they slip and they slide
With the high tops for gangstas with the Stars on the side
I'm buckin' off-brands, all Slobs, bitches and tricks
And I'm from Eastside Fudge Town Mafia Crip
WATTS UP to my homies on the 10 and the 5
In the cut on the street gettin' paid on the front line
I rob for C side, death to my enemy
Mission to make a mill and chill with my bigger G's

I got a heat for you Slob niggas slippin'
Set trippin is my favorite pastime Loc cause I'm crippin
See a Slob if he swerve too deep in a Suburban
Pull up close to the curb, get up close so I can serve him
Ain't no mercy or grace
Put him in his place
Make every bullet count so put a slug in his face
Nationwide Eastside Watts Franklin Square Crip Ride
Another Swayhook slippin another straight just died
I ain't lying when I say you see me dumpin
Eastside Nationwide Rip Ride is quick to move some' (...on that Eastside)

The A.G.C's straight rollin on that Eastside, right
Where gangstas like to ride and do a homicide
I catch a Slob slippin, I break his fuckin neck
And puttin these busta punk niggas straight in check
Talkin 'bout you's a gangsta, nigga you's a busta
Runnin Slobs over, nigga you can't trust a
Nigga from the A-V-A-L-O-N-G-E-S-T-A
And I'mma spray when I have to
Busta, I case you out the hood
Because you know the OG Cell-E straight up to no good
Would you try to test me and get straight dog
Cause I'll be rollin muthafuckas like lumberjacks roll logs
Peep the real crippin'
Back in '69 you young rookies
Don't know shit about your melon and big cookie
Doing dips in green metals
I'm that little bitty fellow
Runnnin around while my niggas bustin caps
Hello, recognize nigga when the gangstas comin through
Dressed in blue
And we did it just for you
Not bangin on wax, but bangin for my turf
And I'll be tossin niggas like a muthafucking nerf
And I'm out

Nationwide Rip Ride, Rip Ridaz...

Don't panic, this Atlantic move my strap in your mouth
I empty clips on dat ass for the muthafuckin South
Never slippin steady dippin that's the way that we're creepin
Buck a Slob on the corner flammed up caught slippin
Gangsta Bone jumped out with the Gauge point blank ?? said
Nigga fuck Slob, this the AD gang
Slob niggas should have known that the Bone is a killer
South Atlantic Drive Compton Crip, fuck them Slob niggas
Nationwide Rip Ride, nigga this the double S
Young gangsta Bone, B.G. Face puttin' Slobs to rest
Nigga this is Crip so what's poppin' with that B.K
Like I said last time every dog has its day
Slobs keep slippin' when I'm dippin' comin up short
Smoke like a muthafucker 9 for the ???
Nigga this the AD rollin with the Southside
Straight crip face Nationwide nigga Rip Ride

Puttin it down ain't a muthafuckin thang to me either Loc
So I can miss to smoke ?Palmer joke?
Fuck a Slob from Cedar
I'm on Alameda
On my way to Elm with the Glock 10 millimeter
A Hoo-Ride ain't shit to me
187 on the muthafuckin M-O-B-K
K-P-B-G, fuck a Slob
AK 47 on the Lollypop Mob, Loc
I'm Kelly Crip with my homies from the N gang
Eastside Rip Ride to the membrane
The 47 still giving it up
And fuck a Slob, I'm a muthafuckin Compton Nut

I represent that Eastside Rip, don't even trip
When I hit you up with that Watts Franklin Crip
Fool ain't no stoppin when I'm out there wig shoppin'
Movin' down Slobs from Inglewood to Compton
Quick to pop up on deck with a Tec
Spot a Slob and try my best to take off his neck
They should've told you about this Locsta
Out there bangin, with killers and sherm smokers
I'm claimin' F till I'm finally put to rest
And till then I'm bringing nothing but total death
Koolay Big G from the F.C
Watts Franklin Crip till they bury me

The Eastside is where I ride, fool is get that straight
F.C.G. till I reach them Golden Gates
Do or Die, Crip or Cry, I thought I told ya
Runnin from C-I-X and I'mma fold ya
So think twice if your movin through my N-Hood
Niggas see deep and them Squares up to no good
Watts the city of Tombstone, the evil side
Same fool slippin is the same fool just died
So remember what goes on in them tombstone
You ain't got your chrome you best stay at home
It ain't no joking around it ain't no suprise
You better recognize, Nationwide Rip Ride

Nationwide Rip Ride, Rip Ridaz...

Carip! Carip! Carip!

Northside, Southside, Eastside, Westside

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Interpretacja piosenki

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