[Verse 1]
Dallas, up in Heaven or down in Hell
How could you leave me?
Things could never be as swell
Man, I'm still disbelieving
That you could ever not be here
I relied on you a lot
And for all the times I leaned on your shoulders
That was more support you got from me
And Dallas, man, I'm glad you've been set free
From your demons, but goddammit, this would have to be
The worst thing to ever happen to me, God
It's such a tragedy
This loss has made me wanna go on a killing spree
But I know that a sloppy revenge like that to get me arrested
Is nothing close to what you'd have wanted
I'm interested in hearing all about afterlife next time I see you
Agnosticism and nihilism have circled my mind, and at B.U.,
A fight broke loose because Ryan G***ham was up there
Shaming your honor
But I'll never let him disrespect you
Rest assured, he's a fucking goner
God, I miss you, man
Dallas, how can I move on from this?
I miss you, Dallas
[Verse 2]
Sorry, bro, you heard the chorus
I know it's nothing special
But I can't find anything better to but there
Your death has left me bedeviled
And the other day I even went as far as lashing out on Kayla
I'd been looking at old pictures and had to much of tequila
But thankfully I calmed down just before things went too far
And thankfully Kayla forgave me, because she knows I'm scarred
But I can't use that damned excuse, cause it keeps popping out of my mouth
I regret my tantrum, but lately I've just been full of doubt
Shit, that reminds me, Kayla and I got together after you died
But if I said that in your lifetime, you probably would've thought it was a lie
I was such a goddamn pussy and I'm sorry you didn't live to see us
We went down to your grave one day together and shit got nuts
We both cried, looking at what a shabby engraving you got
I screamed right there in the cemetery, "I hope those fucking piggies rot!"
And since you've died, Allen's been quite the bastard
He missed half your damn funeral, and when he came, he was plastered
And whatever, we're saying that for now, Peterp*tomus is dead
It ended when my best friend got shot in his head
Cause I can't even picture a God up above in the sky no more
Dammit all to hell, I don't want people to die no more
God, I miss you, man
[Verse 3]
Christ almighty, remember when Sam thought you wrote that love note?
Well, Jason and I sleuthed out the real culprit, and oh smokes
It was that shithead Khalil, all along it was that jackass
You can bet your ass that when he confessed, there was backlash
And I think pretty soon, that Fay will die, and I'll relapse the second that happens
I'll go back to snapping, quit rapping, God, when'll all this crap end?
I remember one day, Oliver slumped right next to your gravestone
I'm sure that if he had prehensile hands, he'd fucking wave, holmes
I remember the time on the school bus, you stuck up for Cassidy
And I happily rubbed in Kaitlyn's face, "Hey, he's not bastard, see?"
You were just a bad-ass, Dallas, I say that now
And, buddy, there are things that right here, I must avow
I thought you were an asshole before I met you, but dammit, you proved me wrong
And truth be told, dear Dallas, we didn't know each other too long
It was what, nine years? Damn, Fay's had her Parkinson's longer than that
In between that time, I've managed to hold onto one fucking old-ass cat
And Allen gave an apology, it was just his way of coping
And we forgave him for you, but honestly, I was just hoping
That your funeral would be perfect
But that's not how you'd have wanted it
You would've loved some hell-raising, and goddammit, you got it, bitch
Kayla and I are getting married soon, and has time has passed
One thing's never changed for her, Dallas, she still says "suck my ass"
Ain't that hilarious? It was then and it's always been
Fay's heaving her last breaths, Dallas, God, I can't do this again