Decaf - My name is Slim Shady [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Decaf
Album: Curtain Call: The Hits
Data wydania: 1999-10-18
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Aftermath records
Tekst: Eminem

Tekst piosenki

[Chorus] Hi! my name is (what?) my name is (who?) my name is Slim Shady my name is (huh?) my name is (what?) my name is Slim Shady

[Eminem] Ahem.. Excuse me can I have the attention of the class for one second

[Verse 1] Hi kids do you like violence? wanna see me stick nine inch nails through each one of my eyelid? wanna copy me and d exactly as I did try 'cid and get fucked up worse than my life is? my brain's dead weight i'm trying to get my head straight but i can't figure out which spice girl i want to impregnathage and Dr Dre said

[Dr Dre] Slim Shady you a base head

[Eminem] uh-uhhh

[Dr Dre] then why's your face red man you wasted

[Eminem] well since age 12 i've felt like im someone else Cause i hung my original self from the top bunk with a belt got pissed off and ripped Pamela Lee's tits of smacked them so hard i knocked her cloths bavkwards like kriss kross, i smoke a fat pound of grass and fall on my ass faster then a fat Bitch who sat down too fast C'mere slut shady wait a minute thats my girl dawg, i dont give a fuck god sent me too piss the world off


[Verse 2] my english teacher wanted to have sex in junior high, the only problem was my english teacher is a guy, smacked him in his face with a eraser, chased him with a stapler, stapled his nuts to a stack of papers, walked in the strip club had my jacket zipped up, flashed the bar tender and stuck my dick in a tip cup, extra terrestrial, killing pedestrians, raping lesbians, while they screaming "LETS JUST BE FREINDS!" 99% of my life i was lied to, i just found out my mom does more dope than i do, told her i would grow up to be a rapper, make a record about doing drugs and name it after her, you know blew up when the women saw and ran, and tried to touch my hand like some screaming usher fan, this white asshole asked for my my autograph so i signed it dear dave thanks for the support ASSHOLE


[Verse 3] STOP THE TAPE THI S KD NEEDS TO BE LOCKED AWAY! DR DRE DONT JUST STAND THERE *OPERATE*, i'm not ready to leave, its to scary to die, i'll have to carried inside the semetary and baried alive, am I coming or going, i just drank a fifth of vodka dare me to drive? all my life i was very deprived, i haven't had a woman in years my palms are to hairy to hide, cloths ripped like the incredible hulk, i spit when i talk, i fuck anything that walks, when i was younger i would get so hungry i would through fits, HOW ARE YOU GONNA BREAST FEED ME MOM YOU AINT GOT NO TITS, i lay awake, strap myself in the bed with a bullet proof vest on and shoot my self in the, so i'm steaming mad and by the way if you see my dad tell him that i slit his throat in this dream i hadhad

[Chorus *2]

Song by eminem

Produced by Dr Dre and Aftermath records

Song made in 1999

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Interpretacja piosenki

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