Dee Gomes - Forever [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Dee Gomes
Data wydania: 2019-08-23
Tekst: Polo G

Tekst piosenki


[Verse 1]
If you wanna win baby, come sign up
Applying pressure forever, let me remind ya
You know that's my squad and can't nobody rep it for us
Say you one of a kind well come and show me you a rider
'Cause I ain't got time for the games
Can't pick and choose you gon' be here [?] rain
Always make sure you're straight
No matter the case, keep a smile on your face, ayy
I know they gon' feel some type of way
They get on Twitter and type away
Word to [?], I got time today
If I go broke, I'ma find a way
Man, I swear that looks can be deceiving
Shawty will look innocent but she really be creeping
Believe me, that shit turn you cold, anaemic
To have somebody cross you when you're so caught in the
I always tell my bitch "There ain't nobody 'bove you, except money and God, and that's just truth"
Know if I got you on my side, that would be such a clutch move
We can take over the world, baby, just us two (Baby, us two)
Feels like you fell right in my arms, wasn't hard to find ya
Any boy play wit' you, it ain't hard to get 'em lined up
Ex girl keep calling but you don't trip 'cause I decline her
And my phone with these hoes, but the time's up

I swear that your face give me energy
You're more than just a phase
When I told you that "I love you" you told me "Watch what you say"
"How many girls you say that to? and I told you "It's just a few"
But with them I was just talkin' and wit' you the feeling's true
When I asked you to be mine I was hoping you'd be down too
But you told me I was rushin', made me feel just like a fool
You say you don't mean to be rude, I say you don't trip 'cause it's cool

[Verse 2]
You just wanna vibe with a gangster then [?]
Tell me the time and the place, girl, lets set it off
I'm goin' deeper every stroke, turn the pressure up
We goin' round after round, I ain't lettin' up
Give it to you better than any nigga you ever fucked
Keep it lowkey, don't nobody know I'm sexing her
You know I always play it cool, never question her
I thought that we was just friends, what you jealous for?
We can make it happen if you tellin' me you ready
I know you somethin' different, oh man, goin' steady
Cut all them hoes off 'cause I'm fuckin' wit' you heavy
Always been my lil' shawty, we been vibing since you met me
I always knew that you would be the one from the start
But I ain't wanna risk it, always tryna play it smart
Be careful wit' your love 'cause I'm giving you my heart
It's just me and you together, ain't no breaking us apart

I swear that your face give me energy
You're more than just a phase
When I told you that "I love you" you told me "Watch what you say"
"How many girls you say that to? and I told you "It's just a few"
But with them I was just talkin' and wit' you the feeling's true
When I asked you to be mine I was hoping you'd be down too
But you told me I was rushin', made me feel just like a fool
You say you don't mean to be rude, I tell you don't trip 'cause it's cool

Lately I been focused on my payments
Say they praying for me but I know they really ain't man
I know you're praying for my downfall
That's why I had to get the hell from round y'all
God put some my close friends in the pavement
Ever since them, my heart been feeling so vacant
If you can hear me, give me one call
If you can hear me, give me one call

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Interpretacja piosenki

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