Doe Boy & TM88 - Slimey As It Get [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Doe Boy & TM88
Album: 88 Birdz
Data wydania: 2018-08-13
Gatunek: Trap
Producent: TM88, Purps
Tekst: Young Thug, Doe Boy

Tekst piosenki

[Chorus: Doe Boy]
Fuck these hoes cuz they slimey as it get
Pour a four, that drank slimey as it get
Keep your pole cuz we slimey as it get
Wipe your nose bitch we slimey as it get
We slimey, we slimey
Savages, we grimy, we grimy
Keep my pole cuz rhese streets slimey as it get
Wipe your nose cuz we slimey as it get

[Verse 1: Doe Boy]
Freeband Gang, we slimey, we slimey
YSL they grimey, they grimey
Call up Johnny Dang, I had to get icey
I just know I'm getting paid, don't care who don't like me
Blatt, blatt, blatt, times 3, shooters by me
I can't sell my soul, like none of these hoes, you can't buy me
'Rari slide, bad bitch by my side, she's a dime piece
You can stare all that you want lil bitch don't touch my ice please
Yea we slimey as it gets, one phone call they pissed
I’m from East Cleveland, Knowles Ave , but I'm good in Zone 6
Yeah, yeah, slimey as it get (yeah, yeah)
Rap cap, I be with the shits (yeah, yeah)
It's new to you, nigga I been did it
In a two-seater coupe, nigga it's just me and your bitch in it
You can't find no bitch that's bad that say I ain't hit it
You can't slime me I'm a slimer I should be repentant

[Chorus: Doe Boy]
Fuck these hoes cuz they slimey as it get
Pour a four, that drank slimey as it get
Keep your pole cuz we slimey as it get
Wipe your nose bitch we slimey as it get
We slimey, we slimey
Savages, we grimy, we grimy
Keep my pole these streets slimey as it get
Wipe your nose cuz we slimey as it get

[Verse 2: Young Thug]
YSL gang, Freebandz on my hip
Don't fast, gang we gamblin' with our chips
Get you popped at, the niggas hit yo lip
Ain't give em a pass, we gon' slime em in this bitch
Yea, fuck these hoes cuz they slimey as it get
They fuck your bro then they kiss you on your lip
I wasn't gone stop till I had a Rose in the VIP
They caught him slippin' then unloaded a clip
This shit that [?], yeah an [?]
I do [?], count it put the rest in
I made me 10 mil, and I put up 6
Perform Tip Drill, you get a mink quilt
Im [?], but we made men
I ice my fist, put my shit on a brick
Man I been with the shits
My opps'll tell ya I never ran in
I'm smoking biscotti this shit came done like a wig

[Chorus: Doe Boy]
Fuck these hoes cuz they slimey as it get
Pour a four, that drank slimey as it get
Keep your pole cuz we slimey as it get
Wipe your nose bitch we slimey as it get
We slimey, we slimey
Savages, we grimy, we grimy
Keep your pole these streets slimey as it get
Wipe your nose cuz we slimey as it get

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Interpretacja piosenki

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