Drake - Nice For What [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Drake
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Murda Beatz

Tekst piosenki

[Intro: Big Freedia]
I wanna know who mothafuckin' representin' in here tonight
Hold on, hold on

[Pre-Chorus: Lauryn Hill]
I keep lettin' you back in (you back in)
How can I, explain myself?

[Chorus: Lauryn Hill & Drake]
Care for me, care for me, you said you'd care for me
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me
(Lil Weezyana shit)
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd die for me
(Murda on the beat)
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?
Care for me, care for me, I know you care for me
(A song for y'all to cut up to, you know?)
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me (yeah)
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?

[Verse 1: Drake]
Everybody get your mothafuckin' roll on
I know shorty and she doesn't want no slow song
Had a man last year, life goes on
Haven't let that thing loose, girl, in so long
You've been inside, know you like to lay low
I've been peepin' what you bringin' to the table
Workin' hard, girl, everything paid for
First-last, phone bill, car note, cable
With your phone out, gotta hit them angles
With your phone out, snappin' like you Fabo
And you showin' off, but it's alright
And you showin' off, but it's alright (alright!)
It's a short life, yeah

[Chorus: Lauryn Hill]
Care for me, care for me, you said you'd care for me
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?

[Refrain: Drake]
That's a real one in your reflection
Without a follow, without a mention
You really pipin' up on these niggas
You gotta be nice for what to these niggas?

[Verse 2: Drake]
I understand, you got a hunnid bands
You got a baby Benz, you got some bad friends
High school pics, you was even bad then
You ain't stressin' off no lover in the past tense
You already had them
Work at 8 A.M., finish 'round five
Hoes talk down, you don't see 'em outside
Yeah, they don't really be the same offline
You know dark days, you know hard times
Doin' overtime for the last month
Saturday, call the girls, get 'em gassed up
Gotta hit the club, gotta make that ass jump
Gotta hit the club like you hit them mothafuckin' angles
With your phone out, snappin' like you Fabo
And you showin' off, but it's alright
And you showin' off, but it's alright
It's a short life

[Bridge: Big Freedia & Letitia Wright]
Uh-huh! (Oh yeah!)
These hoes! (They mad!)
Your boy! (I had!)
I made! (Watch the breakdown)

[Chorus: Lauryn Hill]
Care for me, care for me, you said you'd care for me
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?

[Breakdown: Drake]
Gotta make that jump, gotta make that, gotta, gotta make that
Gotta make that jump, gotta make that, gotta, gotta make that
Gotta, gotta, gotta g-g-gotta, g-g-gotta, gotta
Gotta, g-g-gotta, gotta, gotta make that jump, jump (let's go)
Bend it over, lift it up, bend it over, lift it up
Make that jump, jump
Bend it over, lift it up, bend it over, lift it up
Make that jump, jump
Bend it over, over, over, over, over, lift it up
Make that jump, jump
Bend it over, lift it up (make that jump, jump)
Bend it over, lift it up (make that jump, jump)

[Refrain: Drake]
That's a real one in your reflection
Without a follow, without a mention
You really pipin' up on these niggas
You gotta be nice for what to these niggas?
I understand

[Chorus: Lauryn Hill]
Care for me, care for me, you said you'd care for me
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd cry for me

[Outro: Drake & Lauryn Hill]
Gotta hit the club like you hit them, hit them, hit them angles
It's a short life, yeah
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?

[Music Video Outro: Lauryn Hill & Letitia Wright]
Watch the breakdown
Care for me, care for me, I know you care for me
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?
Care for me, care for me, I know you care for me
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?
Care for me, care for me, I know you care for me
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?
Care for me, care for me, I know you care for me
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me
Cry for me, cry for me, you said you'd die for me
Give to me, give to me, why won't you live for me?
Care for me, care for me, I know you care for me
There for me, there for me, said you'd be there for me

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

„Nice For What” to trzeci singiel Drake'a wydany po premierze „Scary Hours EP”, która ukazała się w styczniu tego roku. W całym utworze Drake mówi o kobiecej inicjacji w erze cyfrowej. Kobiety można łatwo znaleźć i przyciągnąć stylem życia na wysokim poziomie. To również wiąże się z pewnymi konsekwencjami. Nie zawsze miłość, którą odnajdziemy zapewni nam szczęście jakiego szukamy.


Pomimo tego, przez co przechodzą, Drake pokazuje swojej ukochanej, że rozumie i docenia zgiełk, który się wokół niego wytworzył. W "Redemption", siódmym utworze na albumie "Views" Drake'a z 2016 roku, opowiada o tęsknocie za niezależną kobietą, taką jak ta, którą tutaj opisuje: „Dlaczego chcę niezależną kobietę. Czuć, że mnie potrzebuje? - Zgubiłem się”.


„Przyciąganie” oznacza także robienie zdjęć, w tym kontekście prawdopodobnie dla mediów społecznościowych, takich jak Snapchat. Drake odnosi się do tego, jak niektórzy ludzie wkładają wiele wysiłku w zrobienie idealnego selfie przez uchwycenie najlepszego kąta. Drake odnosi się do platform mediów społecznościowych, takich jak Twitter czy Instagram, gdzie ludzie próbują przedstawiać siebie jako zupełnie inną osobę.


Kobieta, o której mówi Drake, jest autentyczna bez maski Internetu, dlatego tak go zauroczyła. Drake spogląda na życie z perspektywy kobiety w naszym obecnym społeczeństwie i komentuje hipokryzję, z którą się spotykają. Zwłaszcza w branży rap / hip-hop, kobiety często są obiektywizowane. Drake kwestionuje tę praktykę.


Drake przypomina swojemu słuchaczowi, że kiedy patrzą na siebie w lustrze, to, co widzą lub powinni zobaczyć, to "prawdziwa" osoba. Rzeczywistość używana w potocznym sensie, oznaczająca "autentyczny" - "oryginalny" - "nie udający czegoś / kogoś, kim nie jesteś".

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