Elvis Presley - I, John [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Elvis Presley
Album: He Touched Me
Gatunek: Rock, Country

Tekst piosenki

Well then, I, John, he saw a mighty number
Way up in the middle of the air
Well, I, John, he saw a mighty number
Way in the middle of the air
Got to mighty move

That I, John, he saw mighty number
Way up in the middle of the air
Well, I, John, he was a mighty number
Way in the middle of the air

Well there were
Three gates in the east
(And there were)
Three gates in the west
(Let me tell you 'bout em)
Three gates in the north
(Hallelujah there were...)
Three gates in the south
And that makes twelve gates to the city
All square wide
Hallelujah, got to mighty move


Well John declared that he saw a man
He held twelve bright stars in his right hand
Well his eyes flashed fire like the burning sun
Old John got scared and wanted to run
Well he wanted to run but his feet wouldn't go
Cause he felt the gospel cutting like a two-edged sword
And he heard a voice that said John, you take a look
And read what you see and then you write it in a book

And he saw twelve angels in the east
And there were twelve angels in the west
Hallelujah, brother
Twelve angels in the north
Twelve angels in the south
That's a total of forty-eight angels to the city
Four squared wide
Hallelujah, got to mighty move


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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