Eminem - Antichrist [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Eminem
Album: The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce)
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

[Part I]

[Intro: Eminem]
Marshall, he's the antichrist
He will slice and—
The devil came to Michigan (Oh, shit)
Fuckin' PC police

[Verse 1: Eminem]
Gen Z, here they come now (Now)
'Bout to unload rounds (Brrt)
Pronouns (Shit)
Got me like, "Woah now" (Woah)
Homie, let's slow down (Chill)
No need to get so wound (Man)
Ready to throw down (Yo)
If I mispronounce (Thee, them)
Woops (Sorry), oh, wow
Got heterosexuals crammin' 'em down our throats now (He, she, they, them)
Like I'm gettin' snow-plowed, my humor's too low-brow (Yup)
Yeah, so there's no doubt (Nope), you 'bout to get grossed out (Ugh)
But fuck it though, somebody needs to come and hit the reset button
Back to 2003 'cause how did we get stuck in
This woke BS? I'm tryna make it regress, fuck 'em
And I don't regret nothin' that's 'bout to be said, so fuck it, we can keep headbuttin'
Still a grade-A prick, but the same way (What?)
Cobain put the gauge to his brain, I'm goin' out with a bang, ayy (Yeah)
Dang, Dre
Look at what you made me do, maybe you the one they should blame, they
Say they wish that I wasn't so angry (Yeah)
Don't wanna see me goin' off the deep end like Ye, ayy (No, nah)
Rather see me do like Kim Kardashian, they say (Yeah yeah)
And find a way to get rid of all of this rage, ayy (Haha)
But if you wonder why is Marsh considered the harshest spitter (Why?)
'Cause I can spit a bar that is a
Cross between Nas and GZA, Biggie Smalls, and RZA
So hard, Megan Thee Stallion and Nicki Minaj'll scissor (Cut it out)
You're still the press's wet dream (Yeah)
Too many head shrinks (Oh)
My head thinks foul, I've said things when jesting
They should arrest me for my testes (Ah)
The biggest in the South, West, East, North and catch be (Ah)
Havin' ['em swept clean?][1:23] with extreme links
And steps been took to suppress things (Why?)
Try not to get seen
With Ben Affleck, me and Seth Green hangin' on to the left wing
Of Jeffrey Epstein's jet screamin', "Hey, don't forget me" (Haha)
Shady as Bill, takin' the pill and putting it in your soft drink (Ah)
Something's off and I don't know what the cause be (Yeah)
But it's obvi', this water I'm in is scalding
Ominous thoughts creep in my head and it's not me
They brainwashed me (Marshall, Marshall)
And that's all she wrote, yeah, that's why they call me

[Chorus: Eminem]
Marshall, he's the antichrist
He will slice and dice
Men, women, and children (One more time, come on)
His name is Marshall, he's the antichrist
He will slice and dice
Whores, men, women, and children (Yeah)

[Verse 2: Eminem]
Knock, knock (Who's there?), boo (Boo who?)
Hey, why you cryin', shorty? Ew, 'cause I boo'd you (Woah)
Well, bitch, I'm tryna get some head up in this Subaru
But you have no clue what you doin', do you?
You fall asleep or somethin'? Hello, yoo-hoo
Wake up, fake slut, I'm out of here, screw you
What, did you drop dead in my lap? You call that head?
I suck my dick better than you do, haha
Yeah, I'm sick like the terminally ill (What?)
But more like sick as in the term "mentally ill"
Antichrist, how come you can't be nice?
Look who's talkin', dog, like Brian from Family Guy (Huh)
But who else is as pitiless, actually witty and crass, hideous
Ghastly, and insidious as me, or spitting as nasty?
Next idiot ask me is getting his ass beat worse than Diddy did ****
But on the real, though (What?)
She prolly ran out the room with his fuckin' dildo (Come here)
He try to field goal punt her, she said to chill (No)
Now put it back in my ass and get the steel toe (Ew, ah, the fuck? Yeah)
Nightmares goin' Freddy on me
'Cause they steady haunt me (Yeah)
Shady's bad to the core, but look at the bread he got me (Bread)
Complete lack of remorse, so they've come at me before, but they won't ever stop me
But fuck the back and the forth until I'm dead and rotting
Head is prolly whacked and it's warped like Jack Kevork'
Performin' sexual acts with a corpse
If they don't like it like a necrophiliac in the morgue (What?), fuck everybody (Haha, yeah)
I don't appeal to you, you was one of them children whose (What?)
Parents fed every meal to you on a platter and silver spoon
I am a product of what Farina and powdered milk'll do (What?)
To your drive when them rappers like Jada bring out the will in you (Woo)
'Cause now my shit slaps harder than Will'll do, word to Gorilla Glue (Why?)
I don't need sticky fingers to steal on you (Nah)
Lyrical killer who punish you, every syllable sonnin' you
Your hides, I tanned 'em like bicycles built for two
Stickin' a clip in the Uz' that I've been itchin' to use, lookin' like Nikolas Cruz
My trigger's happy, it's ticklish, true, Travis Bickle 'em too, we gettin' rude
This shit'll go sideways like your tippin' a canoe, bitch, I'm sick as the flu
How the fuck are you gonna fit in my shoes? Look at my views, all the shit I've been through
So, sympathy, I don't have any for you, stickin' it to all you idiots who
Take my lyrics a little bit too literal, you can all suck on my dick and if you
Don't wanna get ripped, better get the fuck back, bitch, I'm here to do what Dre sent me to do (What?)
That's sinfully get to spitting this shit, devil in me and I do his bidding, his name is
[Chorus: Eminem]
Marshall, he's the antichrist
He will slice and dice
Sluts, whores, men, women, and children (One more time, what's my name?)
His name is Marshall, he's the antichrist
He will slice and dice
Skanks, sluts, whores, men, women, and children

[Bridge: Bizarre]
You wanna dance with the devil, dance with the devil, dance with the devil
You wanna dance with the devil, dance with the devil, dance with the devil
You wanna—

[Part II]

[Interlude: Bizarre]
(I ain't goin' nowhere)
It's about to get scary, Bizarre (I'm still here, ayy-ayy, ayy-ayy, ayy-ayy)
It's about to get dark

[Verse 3: Bizarre]
Guess who's back (Yeah), straight out the gutter (Me)
With a dirty rubber, plus my homeless mother (Fuck her)
Where's Bruce Jenner at? I wanna fuck that ho (Where she is?)
Where is Megan Thee Stallion at? I wanna suck that toe (Mwah)
Twenty years in, shit, I'm past addiction (Uh-huh)
I'm at CVS, tryna find my past prescription
My dad didn't listen, I passed the mission
Fuckin' a tranny on IG Live, that was a bad decision (Haha, that was fucked up)
My rent due, my girl need an abortion (What you gon' do? What?)
Sell them Eminem Jordans (I did, haha)
All gas, butt-naked, all ass
Tryna get on Hailie Jade's podcast (Why not?)

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Jeśli wiesz o czym śpiewa wykonawca, potrafisz czytać "między wierszami" i znasz historię tego utworu, możesz dodać interpretację tekstu. Po sprawdzeniu przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy ją jako oficjalną interpretację utworu!

Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

Tekst piosenki "Killer" Eminema to burzliwa deklaracja jego postawy wobec współczesnych społecznych norm i kontrowersji, które otaczają jego osobę i twórczość. Eminem w swoim charakterystycznym stylu otwiera utwór, nawiązując do własnej reputacji jako kontrowersyjnej postaci muzycznej, jednocześnie kpiąc z reakcji opinii publicznej i mediów. Użycie terminu "antychryst" jest tu zarówno odniesieniem do jego wizerunku jako buntowniczego artysty, jak i przerywnikiem pełnym frustracji związanej z oczekiwaniami społeczeństwa.


W kolejnych wersetach Eminem atakuje współczesne tendencje politycznej poprawności oraz wrażliwość kulturową, co jest charakterystyczne dla jego stylu opartego na autoironii i satyrze. Tekst porusza tematy gender, politycznej poprawności i tolerancji, przekraczając granice tego, co uznawane jest za akceptowalne w dzisiejszym świecie muzycznym.

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść poprawki musi być wypełniona. Dziękujemy za wysłanie poprawki.
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