Eminem - Crack a Bottle [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Eminem
Album: Relapse, Relapse: Refill
Data wydania: 2009-02-02
Producent: Dr. Dre
Tekst: 50 Cent, Trevor Lawrence Jr., Jean Renard, Mark Batson, Dawaun Parker

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Tekst piosenki

[Produced by Dr. Dre]

[Intro: Eminem]
Oh! Ladies and gentlemen
The moment you've all been waiting for
In this corner, weighing 175 pounds
With a record of 17 rapes, 400 assaults, and 4 murders
The undisputed, most diabolical villain in the world: Slim Shady!

[Hook: Eminem]
So crack a bottle, let your body waddle
Don't act like a snobby model; you just hit the lotto
Uh oh, uh oh, bitches hopping in my Tahoe
Got one riding shotgun, and no, not one of them got clothes
Now, where's the rubbers? Who's got the rubbers?
I noticed there's so many of them
And there's really not that many of us
And ladies love us, my posse's kicking up dust
It's on 'til the break of dawn
And we're starting this party from dusk
(Okay, let's go!)

[Verse 1: Eminem]
Back with Andre the Giant, Mr. Elephant Tusk
Fix your musk, you'll be just another one bit the dust
Just one of my mother's sons who got thrown under the bus
Kiss my butt, lick fromunda cheese from under my nuts
It disgusts me to see the game the way that it looks
It's a must, I redeem my name and haters get mushed
Bitches lust, man, they love me when I lay in the cut
Fisticuffs, the lady give her eighty-some paper cuts
Now picture us, it's ridiculous, you curse at the thought
‘Cause when I spit the verse, the shit gets worse than Worcestershire sauce
If I could fit the words as picture perfect, works every time
Every verse, every line, as simple as nursery rhymes
It's elementary, the elephants have entered the room
I venture to say with the center of attention, it's true
Not to mention back with a vengeance, so here's the signal
Of the bat symbol, the platinum trio's back on you hoes

[Hook: Eminem]
So crack a bottle, let your body waddle
Don't act like a snobby model; you just hit the lotto
Uh oh, uh oh, bitches hopping in my Tahoe
Got one riding shotgun, and no, not one of them got clothes
Now, where's the rubbers? Who's got the rubbers?
I noticed there's so many of them
And there's really not that many of us
And ladies love us, my posse's kicking up dust
It's on 'til the break of dawn
And we're starting this party from dusk
(Ladies and gentlemen, Dr. Dre!)

[Verse 2: Dr. Dre]
They see that low rider go by, they're like, "Oh my"
You ain't got to tell me why you're sick, ‘cause I know why
I dip through in that six tre, like, "Sick 'em, Dre!"
I'm an itch that they can't scratch, they're sick of me
But hey, what else can I say? I love L.A
‘Cause over and above all, it's just another day
And this one begins where the last one ends
Pick up where we left off and get smashed again
I'll be damned, just fucked around and crashed my Benz
Driving around with a smashed front end, let's cash that one in
Grab another one from out the stable
The Monte Carlo, El Camino, or the El Dorado?
The hell if I know, do I want leather seats or vinyl?
Decisions, decisions; garage looks like Precision Collision
Or Maaco, beats quake like Waco
Just keep the bass low, speakers away from your face, though

[Hook: Eminem]
So crack a bottle, let your body waddle
Don't act like a snobby model; you just hit the lotto
Uh oh, uh oh, bitches hopping in my Tahoe
Got one riding shotgun, and no, not one of them got clothes
Now, where's the rubbers? Who's got the rubbers?
I noticed there's so many of them
And there's really not that many of us
And ladies love us, my posse's kicking up dust
It's on 'til the break of dawn
And we're starting this party from dusk
(And I take great pleasure in introducing, 50 Cent!)

[Verse 3: 50 Cent]
It's bottle after bottle
The money ain't a thang when you party with me
It's what we into, it's simple
We ball out of control like you wouldn't believe
I'm the napalm, the bomb, the don, I'm King Kong
Get rolled on, wrapped up and reigned on
I'm so calm, through Vietnam, ring the alarm
Bring the Chandon, burn marijuana, do what you want
Nigga, on and on, 'til the break of what?
Get the paper, man, I'm cakin', you know I don't give a fuck
I spend it like it don't mean nothin'
Blow it like it's supposed to be blown, motherfucker, I'm grown
I stunt, I style, I flash the shit
I gets what the fuck I want, so what I trick?
Fat ass Birkin bags, some classy shit
Jimmy Choo shoes, I say move a bitch, move

[Hook: Eminem]
So crack a bottle, let your body waddle
Don't act like a snobby model; you just hit the lotto
O-oh, o-oh, bitches hopping in my Tahoe
Got one riding shotgun, and no, not one of them got clothes
Now, where's the rubbers? Who's got the rubbers?
I noticed there's so many of them
And there's really not that many of us
And ladies love us, my posse's kicking up dust
It's on 'til the break of dawn
And we're starting this party from dusk

Tłumaczenie piosenki

Nikt nie dodał jeszcze tłumaczenia do tej piosenki. Bądź pierwszy!
Jeśli znasz język na tyle, aby móc swobodnie przetłumaczyć ten tekst, zrób to i dołóż swoją cegiełkę do opisu tej piosenki. Po sprawdzeniu tłumaczenia przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy je jako oficjalne tłumaczenie utworu!

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Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jego treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe. Status swojego tłumaczenia możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.

Interpretacja piosenki

Dziękujemy za wysłanie interpretacji
Nasi najlepsi redaktorzy przejrzą jej treść, gdy tylko będzie to możliwe.
Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
Dodaj interpretację
Jeśli wiesz o czym śpiewa wykonawca, potrafisz czytać "między wierszami" i znasz historię tego utworu, możesz dodać interpretację tekstu. Po sprawdzeniu przez naszych redaktorów, dodamy ją jako oficjalną interpretację utworu!

Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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