Funkmaster Flex - Duck Down [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Tekst piosenki

[FunkMaster Flex]
Chris Lighty

This is Tobas Katowsky reporting live from the Brookyln Bridge
Suspects otherwise known as Da Franchise
Have once again took to the streets
Our advice is to duck down

[Da Franchise]
1-9 shit
Uhh, you see that Brooklyn

Bullshit, I'm on it like Big was
Franchise don't get me mixed up for real, uhh
I'm still here, nigga it's real here
Talk slick, I'll have you rollin around in wheelchairs
And yeah, I play shit with gambling heads
Or I'll have your bitch scrambling eggs
Either or it's me, RC, the outdoor outlaw
Type to throw my guns up southpaw, let's get it on
See the waves under the rag, the rims under the Jag
Guns cover my waist, no wonder you mad
Fools call it gangsta but we call it gutter
Cold War, I bring the heat to you summer to summer
I'm the criminal that'll leave your condition critical
My dogs bloodhounds, it's nothin to get at you
El Dorado red, drink until the bottles dead
Feed my clips hollowheads, please you cowards better

[Chorus x2]
Duck down
This one is over your head boy
Duck down
Out fool, you'll be a dead boy
Duck down
You heard what I said boy
Duck down
What you saying huh
What you saying huh

Once the beef is on fam we goin out
Summer fade, winter time I'm in the blow out
BK stompin which one of you fools would start somethin
Y'all don't want me to turn best out of Compton
We don't need Destiny's Child to get it jumpin
Hoes be stretchin us out, it ain't nothin
Everything from the crib to the car be dirty
Who are we? Franchise, dirty money
There's three in the clip, and my whole team is hungry
Yeah I'm smooth on the rap, but fool I'm quite tense
And I stay in the hood with a hoopty and light tints
Speedin past chicks, no secret like no sense
Sense Benny been locked up, I ain't been right since
My ice is dirty, my life is dirty, shit
Five years from now, I'ma be thirty so duck down

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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