Future - Lookin Exotic [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Future
Data wydania: 2017-02-24
Gatunek: Trap
Producent: Jake One, Southside, K-Major

Tekst piosenki

Extravagant Hendrix
Switch hands like left pitcher
Super astronomical

Peel you off a couple bands, girl like, "here you go"
Been lookin' like the baddest bitch in my videos
I wanna take you out to Paris and buy you better clothes
White Phantom, white Phantom or the white Rolls
We livin' marvelous, yeah we livin' marvelous
Hit your girl up and tell' them that you're all iced up (iced up)
I try my best to put my ego first, I need to stop it
Keep it real, you lookin' exotic, nah

[Verse 1]
Three rings on my left, I feel like King James
They see the way we represent, they see the way we get it
You can't be never slippin', you gotta show you're different
I came through and took all their bitches with me!
Nigga I get all the way faded, I can't get tipsy
All these seven star restaurants on a
Daily basis?, I'm guilty
Let this champagne start pourin', drank it up 'til it's empty
Got this V.I.P. section burnin' like a chimney
We ain't gotta emphasize nobody, we done bought the building
Let's go zip out Australia, we can go to Switzerland
We got a chauffeur and a translator for where they don't speak English
Sometimes when you speak from your soul it sound like you singing

Peel you off a couple bands, girl like, "here you go"
Been lookin' like the baddest bitch in my videos
I wanna take you out to Paris and buy you better clothes
White Phantom, white Phantom or the white Rolls
We livin' marvelous, yeah we livin' marvelous
Hit your girl up and tell' them that you're all iced up (iced up)
I try my best to put my ego first, I need to stop it
Keep it real, you lookin' exotic, nah

[Verse 2]
Gotta put a whole lot of kush into my lungs
I put a whole lot of work in, I just begun
And when that green money on the turf, it's their call
Gotta put that steel under my shirt and duck laws
Fuck the cops, she gon' ride just like my dog
Chinchilla, I put it on and let it fall
Gorilla, let it drag on the floor
I forgot to get the money and lay low
We take shoppin' sprees, I can bring the store to me
I don't get trap money, please, bitch I'm out their league
Raf Simons, Rick Owens, cost 200 G's
Cash out mad G's, bustin' down AP's
Handmade 1 of 1 Riccardo Tisci
Crystal diamonds on my sleeves, L-O-V-E
Changed the whips about a week, yes I do agree
Louis V on my carry-on, yes indeed
Have to pay for it tonight as you charge a fee
Order the PJ at 1, we land tomorrow at 3
Steak and shrimps, caviar for seven days
Let's flick it up for my dawgs in the cage

Peel you off a couple bands, girl like, "here you go"
Been lookin' like the baddest bitch in my videos
I wanna take you out to Paris and buy you better clothes
White Phantom, white Phantom or the white Rolls
We livin' marvelous, yeah we livin' marvelous
Hit your girl up and tell' them that you're all iced up (iced up)
I try my best to put my ego first, I need to stop it
Keep it real, you lookin' exotic, nah

Always keep it real with you!
Lookin' exotic
Got a half a mil' on me
'Bout to recount it now

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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