Future - St. Lucia [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Future
Album: SAVE ME
Gatunek: Rap

Tekst piosenki

Save me
(Turn up, turn up, turn up, turn up)
I'm a big dawg (Pluto, I am, yeah)
I give a bad, bad, bad bitch some bands (Bad, bad, bad, bad)
I'm on top floor (Save me)
I'm gettin' cocky
(I've been through nothing at all)

I'm a big dawg, I can fuck a bitch out in France now
I give a bad, bad, bad bitch some bands now
I'm on the top floor, young nigga, young nigga stand down (Stand down)
I'm gettin' cocky, treat a good girl like she ran down, yeah
Catch an attitude, I'ma go and fuck your friend now (Fuck your friend now)
I changed the altitude, hoppin' out the Benz now (Benz now)

[Verse 1]
I got one that's Chinese, she a ten
I made my Hong Kong girls wear snakeskin (Yeah)
I be like Tommy Lee on a Pamela Anderson (Yeah)
I be ridin' with a hundred round drum like a Pakistan
I went and bulletproofed the Porsche Cayenne
I had a rendezvous, I was on an island (Big dawg)
Nipsey made it rain outside, had an umbrella in his hands (Rest in peace)
I sold the dope a triple-double, did the money dance (Russell 'Brook)
I'm in a whole 'nother league when I fuck fans (Mmh)
She should've never got this close to me, I'ma give her a chance (Pluto)
I don't wanna make excuses, but she let me do it in the van (So what?)
I wasn't thinkin' exclusive, probably never see her again (Yeah)

I'm a big dawg, I'ma fuck my girl in St. Lucia's (I'm outta here)
I ran a check through a money machine, then I seduced her
I'm on the top floor, young nigga, young nigga stand down
I'm gettin' cocky, treat a good girl like she ran down
Catch an attitude, I'ma go and fuck your friend now
I changed the altitude, hoppin' out the Benz now

[Verse 2]
My WiFi lit, ten thousand feet off the ground
My bitch play violin, and she made in Cape Town
Found out I cheated on her, she'll still feed me grapes (She'll still feed me grapes)
Tryna fight temptation, something I need to pray about (Yeah)
Tried to talk to the pastor, found out he doin' the same thing
Been havin' a secret relationship on his main thing
He ain't no different from me, young nigga tryna maintain (He ain't no different from me)
I want more clarity, I don't gotta change lanes (I don't gotta change lanes)
I want a stripper, but I'm gettin' tired of the same thing (I'm gettin' tired)
She understand me 'cause I hustle and make it rain, rain
Fucked me so good, I woke up, bought her a plain jane
The beauty of her, these hoes ain't in the same lane (They can't come close)
I'm a big dawg, I'ma fuck my girl in St. Lucia's (What else?)
I'm pourin' Cristal like water, baby, no bullshit (Yeah)
I'm a big dawg, I'ma brrr, spend it, no excuses (Yeah)
Countin' brr like a machine, make the pussy juicy (Yeah)
When she get in the bed, she's amazin' (Amazin')
I got a Mediterranean, I can't save it (I got a Mediterranean)
Pour Cristal on your body when I eat the pussy, yeah

Catch an attitude, I'ma go and fuck your friend now
I changed the altitude, hoppin' out the Benz now
I got one Chinese, she a ten
I made my Hong Kong girls wear snakeskin
I'm pourin' Cristal like water, baby, no bullshit, yeah

I ran a check through a money machine, then I seduced her (Brrt, Freebandz)
I'm a big dawg, I'ma fuck my girl in St. Lucia's
My bitch play violin, and she made in Cape Town
I changed the altitude, hoppin' out the Benz now

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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W utworze „St. Lucia” Future chwali się bogatym stylem życia i sprawnością seksualną. Saint Lucia to wyspa na Morzu Karaibskim, która słynie z malowniczych widoków i atrakcji turystycznych.


Future odwołuje się do innej hedonistycznej gwiazdy rocka, która z powodzeniem może wylądować na pięknych kobietach. Były perkusista Mötley Crüe Tommy Lee był żonaty z Playboy Playmate i symbolem seksu Pamelą Anderson od 1995 do 1998 roku, rzekomo poślubiając ją cztery dni po tym, jak się poznali. Wirujący romans pary zwrócił uwagę tabloidów, zwłaszcza, gdy ich taśma seksualna wyciekła do sieci.


Ich małżeństwo było burzliwe i zakończyło się rozwodem. Tommy Lee został aresztowany w 1998 r. za molestowanie małżeńskie po rzekomej napaści na Pamelę i wylądował w więzieniu na sześć miesięcy. Jego związek z dziećmi najwyraźniej wciąż jest skalisty.

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