G-Eazy feat. Blackbear - Hate The Way [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: G-Eazy
Album: These Things Happen Too
Data wydania: 2020-10-16
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Ryan Ogren, Mike Crook
Tekst: G-Eazy, Blackbear

Tekst piosenki

[Chorus: blackbear & G-Eazy]
Yeah, I hate the way, the way I always miss you
Yeah, I know I'm crazy, but you're sick, too
Even after everything we've been through
Thought I was the one with all the issues
And every time I leave, it's too long
And every time I leave, it's all wrong (You know)
I hate the way, the way I always miss you (Ayy, yeah)
I hate the way, the way I always miss you, yeah (Yeah)

[Verse 1: G-Eazy, blackbear]
Made a promise to myself, a promise I should stick to
Talkin' to myself, I said I promised I would quit you
I've been trying to let go, but it's powerful, it grips you
First, you think you got control until I see you, can't resist you
Know I got my issues, some I won't admit to
No one's got the answers, everybody wants to fix you
Got this magic 8 ball, but I ain't got no crystal
Just don't fall in Courtney Love
And don't go Cobain with no pistol (No pistol)
It don't take a psychic or a scientist to know that (Know that)
Then why the fuck the minute I see you, I always go back? (Go back)
The definition of insanity is
Yeah, I know that
I had a hundred chances to move on, I always
I always blow that (I always blow that), yeah
I can't seem to find out what's the issue
See your face on my Explore and then I miss you
Yeah, I said I was finished fucking wit' you
I said I hate the fucking way I always

[Chorus: blackbear & G-Eazy]
I hate the way, the way I always miss you (Miss you)
Yeah, I know I'm crazy, but you're sick, too
Even after everything we've been through
Thought I was the one with all the issues
And every time I leave, it's too long
And every time I leave, it's all wrong
I hate the way, the way I always miss you (Yeah)
I hate the way, the way I always miss you, yeah, yeah (Ayy, yeah)

[Verse 2: G-Eazy]
Lie to myself every time I say that I'm done with you
Every day without you passes slower than one with you
Two days pass, it's feelin' like a week, this shit is stressful
I swear all these helpin' hands ain't even helpful
Wishin' I was closer to you, wish you wasn't distant
Wishin' I was with you, still wish this shit was different
Wishin' we could travel back in time and we could switch it
All this pain, wishin' it was something that could fix it
Medicate myself, different substances, I mix it
Set my limits, try to draw the line and then she sniffs it
Never lied, I give you my word and then you twist it
Fights outside the club, I think the paparazzi
Think the paparazzi flicked it (Think the paparazzi flicked it)
Yeah, still can't seem to find out what's the issue
Hate the way you talkin' when you with your friends, too
Yeah, they don't know about the shit we've been through
I said I hate the fucking way I always

[Chorus: blackbear & G-Eazy]
I hate the way, the way I always miss you (Miss you)
Yeah, I know I'm crazy, but you're sick, too
Even after everything we've been through
Thought I was the one with all the issues
And every time I leave, it's too long
And every time I leave, it's all wrong
I hate the way, the way I always miss you
I hate the way, the way I always miss you

[Post-Chorus: blackbear]
I hate the way, the way I always miss you
(I hate the way, the way I always miss you)
I hate the way, the way I always miss you
I hate the way, the way I always miss you

Tłumaczenie piosenki

Tekst stworzyło
2 autorów
Autor tłumaczenia: karolina-kr, prawn
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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

„Nienawidzę sposobu, w jaki za tobą tęsknię” to pierwszy singiel z albumu „This Things Happen Too”. Piosenka opowiada o związku, który nie poszedł dobrze, ale ogólnie (powiedział G-Eazy w wywiadzie) chodzi o powiązanie z brakiem kogoś lub czegoś.


W piosence „Him & I” z 2017 roku, którą G-Eazy nagrał z Halsey, jego byłą dziewczyną, w refrenie znalazło się zdanie „Mamy tę miłość, szalony rodzaj”, zaśpiewane przez Halsey i wers „oboje wariujemy” - powiedział G-Eazy, co może dodatkowo wskazywać, że piosenka jest o niej.


W 2020 roku G-Eazy wydał piosenkę zatytułowaną „Had Enough”, która była o Halsey, w której specjalnie wyreżyserował tekst „mówiący o moim szalonym tyłku” do niej. Kobiecy głos w tej części brzmi niesamowicie podobnie do byłej dziewczyny Halsey.

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść poprawki musi być wypełniona. Dziękujemy za wysłanie poprawki.
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