Golden Era Records - 2014 Golden Era Records Cypher [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Golden Era Records
Album: 2014 Golden Era Mixtape
Gatunek: Rap, Aussie Hip Hop
Producent: Jason Dean

Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Hons]
Check it out
I've been busy this year, in my room mining bitcoins
To repair the ship so I can pilot through this shitstorm
Overplayed like top pair with decent kicker
I'm just trying to double up so I can buy some decent liquor
Sick with a pen like a hentai animator
Only difference is you ain't fapping later
Now the crew back together lay it down for the posse cut
We make noise while you back up like lorry trucks (beep beep)
Safe to say no stopping us, we stand tall poppy
While they looking for a crop to dust
He's in the Oars Right? (RIGHT) Yeah that poor guy
Local on a Saturday crying into form guides
Body hates me, problems in my back again
Feels like it went through the damn car crash again
Call me 'Farmer Hons', I'm in the parking lot
Scavenging for coins to fill a script for my barkin' dog

[Verse 2: Briggs]
Yeah I slept, I never left, ya felt abandoned
So I’m back with a gang of cannons — Afghanistan 'em
Wiped the floorboards with war lords
Im carpet-bombing any problem and going at the world tour
Certifiable hand up on the bible
Stand up in the churches man there'd be a fireball
It's the maniacal and I'm going Michael
Buble, Bolton, J Fox, I am so
Effortless I'm effin this, I'm everything they ever wished
I get it off technically, like messing with the evidence
Divine intervention, the messenger was heaven sent
Burning anythin', getting next to me like effigies
Torture connoisseur, not afraid to water board
Get your head down like walking out the porno store
S'all the same if you're in the game or on the force
Golden Era murder on a train right - All aboard!

[Hook: DJ Debris and DJ ADFU]
(DJ Debris and DJ ADFU scratching the hook)

[Verse 3: Trials]
I gotta make sure they get it right
Trials got them leaving in a stretcher like, petrified
Running fucking low on their electrolytes
I bring it hardcore, like slipping in parkour
And got them all convinced that what I'm doing is an art form
(Word) That's an everyday Oars thing
So many people stuck to the pipe that it's exhausting
Got you shovel in the rubble trying to bury facts
Till I'm back, then your sucking on the urinary tract
Nice try, wanna help me to rhyme
But with that new fancy watch you couldn't tell me the time
(You'd better check in)
I'm the boss figure last level
Turn your wines into weeds, flower petal into sharp metal
Had to settle myself from getting drunk
When they told me life is short, but it's the longest thing I've ever done
Standing like your holding handlebars
You can get your car keyed while I'm wearing camouflage

[Verse 4: Vents]
Cynical since the prenatal, every birth is painful
Each breath I take is a gift be grateful
Trying to find a female who'll stay faithful
Know how to cook, look good and stay stable
Living like a 8-ball, strapped to my naval
Sniffing up a plateful of rack up my nasal
Awful enough to kill a mere mortal
People get high so we can feel normal
I'm real thoughtful, my mind move a million miles every minute
I blame the reptilian brain that's killing the pain with aggression
Love is the answer, hate is the question
Fuck all the drama, just like my father
Try but you'll never find a chink in my armour
Been through the karma and came out harder
Open my mouth and it rain out lava

[Hook: DJ Debris and DJ ADFU]
(DJ Debris and DJ ADFU scratching the hook)

[Verse 5: Suffa]
Wanna step? Make it worth my effort
I gotta perfect record, of making all these perfect records
Best yet to hold the mic
Drop science on meth heads, Walter White
Assault the mic
We rule the court, get expelled from the school of thought
Read my palm leads to the middle finger
Rhymes lead to the middle of the sphincter
You sound like chewbacca screwing two fat goats
With a mouth full of chewing tobacco [Chewbacca roar]
You sound like your beating your palm
While I'm the pack leader Cesar Millan (tst tst)
When Me and P in the booth we don't plagiarise like Shia Lebouf
And these beats are like coal whenever we be rhyming
We put 'em under Pressure and he turns 'em into diamonds

[Verse 6: Pressure]
I smash tracks like freight trains Collide
Unbreakable maintain a mic, brave take a ride
Vacate your mind, I dunno how a single brainwave survives
Got suitcases, train stations, flights with this family
Spending my vacation high, it's painstaking and may take your life
Kurt Cobain say today it's a great day to die, uh
Where the track that the bass shake the jive, Don't
Skip a beat I'm the pace making type
(P be good)
While my mates save the tribe but they say a tiger ain't change its stripes
Wanna break in the game wait your time
Don't get desperate, giving off date raping vibes
You a sheep in the light, the place ain't finite
I'm the beast to the right at the great Satan's side

[Hook: DJ Debris and DJ ADFU]
(DJ Debris and DJ ADFU scratching the hook)

[Verse 7: K21]
Yo, its K I get away with murder a massacre like September
Cannibals aren't this famished, a rapping this when I enter
Wrecker, left the sector flatter than epicenter
Avenger, set to destroy more than I enter
Mofucker, it's Aussie rap expecting more then a barbie or an
Opinion from me
Unless its forced into your ass cheeks, I'm as nasty as Nas be
Hurling tsunamis at your personal army, with a sweet burn like some saki
Picture me trollin like dolan, putting work in like a sparky
Holding a spliff rolled till i light up the house like a Griswold
Cookie crumble and take your milk and your monte carlos
Shoot rappers down like rabbits Frankly, you're a bit Donnie Darko
So I wouldn't give you a stinking bucket of piss to put
You out if you're on fire and think your fuckin' with this
Never learn stop, till I earn stock to buy out Murdock
While the earth rots and let a jerk flop when he turns [pop]

[Verse 8: Sesta]
Beat the baddest and trim the fat off for each rapper
Single handedly defeated famine, You can thank me later hater
Feeling forsaked and violated, gimme two shakes I will annihilate em
See My crew has 2 Dans, two Matts two Adams, one Baz, Adfu and
That's Joe a loose cannon, plus my brother 21 who refused to defuse the bomb
Buddy hose your blood outta the gutter
I'm feeln' about as reasonable as Pac was, slap your hat backwards
Feel it in your chakras, should have read the fact bruz
And you would have seen the fact that I can ruin a scene like bad actors
Nah think you better try first eating ravioli in my ninety dollar white shirt
With my holier than thou frown, putting it down, now they found dead

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Interpretacja piosenki

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