Golden Era Records - Posse Cut (2015 Golden Era Records Cypher) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Golden Era Records
Album: 2015 Golden Era Mixtape
Data wydania: 2015-05-20
Gatunek: Rap, Aussie Hip Hop
Producent: DJ Debris, Sesta
Tekst: Suffa, DJ Debris, MC Pressure, Briggs, Sesta, Trials, Hons, K21, Vents

Tekst piosenki

[Intro/Scratches: Debris & Adfu]
Let me introduce you to the one (to the one)
Golden Era, check the label as it goes 'round
Check the label as it goes 'round

[Verse 1: Trials]
I got a Dutch strain of weed on the scene, call it Mr. Holland's Opus
Your son's pretty dumb but your mum probably knows us
Better focus on the future, you should never lie to me
I never drank lean, got better prescribed to me
Rightfully so, headshot, Call of Duty killed ya
The silencer's golden but my duct tape is silver
Sativa, higher than this taxi cab running off the meter
When I fell asleep after burning all that Cheeba
I give the deed upon my doodle
To any divas that wanna come get it in monophonic
Man, I promise that I'm more than just hesitant
Swear they're looking susser than a lego set underneath a pedo's bed
Better get a better steamroller, then I told 'em "hold up"
Slow that fuckin' Uncle Toby roll up
To this year, I'm coming out retirement to battle
And Golden Era's never going out like Cliff Adams

[Verse 2: Hons]
Now is the Oars out of beer? Then I'ma steal your Ryder
Like I’m Port Power, cheers, number one draft pick
He bought out of fear, or striking at your team
In the bottom of the night, now you're out of here
I'm a beast on the mic, call me Hank McCoy
Right, no need to battle, I outflank these toys
I'm that Prince Harry look-alike, Seth Green impersonator
You can book online, bring back the Boogie Nights
But "party" ain't in my vernacular now
I'm at home with Futurama, eating bachelor chow
And I ain't backin' it down, you know the mic is
Just an extension of my arm and my wrist when I spit
Shit, that ain't scary enough?
I'm like a barbarian mixed with Targaryen blood
So I'm tearing it up like a parking ticket
Golden Era raise the bar once again, who with us?

[Verse 3: K21]
Fly like a pigeon over Kings of Leon, pee on your poxy bands
Stop your fans, walk all over a square like I'm Bomberman
And honour stands, but only down to Earth where my comet lands
Cause a ruckus like a soccer fan, from here to Rotterdam
Call it my song and dance, their rhyme ain't got a chance
Turn the scene of Home and Away to Silence of the Lambs
Try to stop our plan, you'll stay behind in the backdrop
I get on a jam until you lapdogs are Pavloved
With a knack for, playing chicken with Shinkansens
Put vendettas on trendsetters that kick up a mess
The real menace, call me Dennis like I'm Kim Jong's friend
A beast known to unleash whenever I pick up pens
Couple of tour dates, and more pay, fit for bringing the madness in
Leaving the scene, got you thinking that it's an accident
It's that feeling you're missing until we're back again
Back to damage your track till I'm finished like Mika Häkkinen

[Hook/Scratches: Debris & Adfu]
Golden Era
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one
Golden Era
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one
Check the label as it goes 'round
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one
Check the label as it goes 'round
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one

[Verse 4: Pressure]
P the venomous speaks so effortless
G the Era with ten of us, senators need to censor us
Play for keeps like speech impediments, competitors
Reach for relevance, never been streets ahead of us
I dream and let it live, peace and reverence
But each sentence is like GTMO released a terrorist
The beat of Pressure is like a beast together with parenthesis
Meet your nemesis
This rap game ain't big enough for all to survive
Like an island divided: Lord of the Flies
No quarter, flow slaughter, go to war on the mic
Like blitzkrieg, this team are calling the strikes
In our final hour, bring me to a higher power
Criers singing, sirens ringing from a fire tower
See the days set ablaze in our finest hour
The world burning in a fire shower

[Verse 5: Sesta]
I'm like Putin with a nuke bomb, better move on
I'm turning your city into a crouton, and who gonna stop me?
If you believing in reconvening somewhere in Heaven
I've got a better story ending, that Sesta won the apocalypse
You don't want it when I've got it? Then I'm done with it
God tier when I drop it like a rocket hit
I've got nothing on my bucket list, but a hundred and ten things
I've written down on my fuck-it list
(Fuck it) all you rappers are pretenders
My entrance, your exits, your moves don't defend it
My henchmen: elite though, best watch the temper
Why I'm hating though? I don't remember (nope)
But I intended to get vengeance, until then, when I'm restless
Ever-testing the status, call me Genghis, the way I'm playing Tetris
In here with them corpses, 'course there's
Caution to the wind, when he bring it, it's like Orson

[Hook/Scratches: Debris & Adfu]
Golden Era
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one
Golden Era
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one
Check the label as it goes 'round
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one
Check the label as it goes 'round
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one

[Verse 6: Vents]
We stay calm in a crisis, calmer than suicide pilots
I came from a long line of survivors
Migrants, sailed to the island
Worked like a slave and saved for retirement
Learned to be brave and change your environment
Learned to behave, I was chasing enlightenment
Listen while the world spins, sitting in silence
Trying to teach my girlfriend disciplined guidance
The best advice is: life is a kick in the privates
But every second here is priceless
Practice random acts of kindness
My virus attack your wireless, write till arthritis
From sinus to synapse
To the shoulders of giants, call me Your Highness
Roll with the finest: Golden Era, deadly alliance
Bet you'll rewind this

[Verse 7: Briggs]
One too many devils in the mix
It's 1986, year of the Briggs
I stay hungry, but never miss a meal
My clique's as real as Slick Rick when he grips steel
I like old models who've still got it
A big bottom, pretty face and a bit of a cock problem
Thick two litre, ex-knife eater who got
The skills to make a dress outta my wife-beater
What the fuck am I? A mind reader?
Nah, I'm just a charismatic, selfish addict and a fine leader
Who doesn't even like his own thoughts
So why in the fuck did you think I'd care about yours?
Call me misogynous
Cause I'm killin' any bitch-made rapper who thinks he can get it on wit us
They want to do a song with us, it's obvious (how?)
They paying out the ass like a sodomist

[Verse 8: Suffa]
I taught the Art of the Handshake, lock and click
Then X made a beat to pop my fist right off of my wrist
Now watch it twist, and keep my shit under wraps like a
Boxer's fist, I'm like a Thunda Cat, cause I
Take a fist and make a peace sign with it, then I
Make it flip and make a V-sign with it, then I
Drop the middle finger, pop the pinkie
Cause I'm the goat, now I drop the pinkie, join the thumbs
And now you know: the "H" is for Hilltop
Join up the index, now I've got a little one
Cause I mess up forever but then I gotta peel off
Spread out my fingers, now I've got some wings to wheel off
Into the sunset, don't unlink the thumbs yet
Cause now I've got a Wu-Tang set, and in one sec
I'll flip it all around and I'll show you how to bury me
When they cut me down like Washington's cherry tree, it's heresy

[Hook/Scratches: Debris & Adfu]
Golden Era
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one
Golden Era
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one
Check the label as it goes 'round
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one
Check the label as it goes 'round
I'm from the Era, let me introduce you to the one

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