Hanumankind , Kalmi - Big Dawgs [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Hanumankind , Kalmi
Data wydania: 2024-07-09
Gatunek: Rap
Tekst: Hanumankind

Tekst piosenki

[Part I]

Uh, yeah, uh, yeah
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah

[Verse 1]
Wait a minute (Uh), get it how you live it (Uh)
Ten toes in when we standin' on business
I'm a big stepper, underground methods
Top-notch hoes get the most, not the lesser (Most, not the lesser)
Straight terror, product of your errors
Pushing culture, baby, got that product you can't measure (Product you can't measure)
Trend-setter, the one who gets hеr wetter
Swerving whilе I'm bumping Project Pat, yeah
Yeah, rollin' through the city with the big dawgs
Fuck the laws, lawyer with me, we ain't gotta call
Celly on silent, but the product end up hella loud
That's how you make the money pile for everyone involved
But if you don't deserve a cut, then we gon' cut them off (Cut them off)
My barber got me looking proper every single time
Fresh fade getting faded on that top grade
You ain't walkin' out alive smoking what we on
And you know I gotta pour it for the ones who gone (Gone)
R.I.P., it's in your memory we carry on
When I die, they will not bury me, now what I want
Burn my body, pour my ashes in a river, y'all
That's how we knowing that the flow about to carry on
See immortality's a fallacy, I prove 'em wrong
The Sourthern family gon' carry me to way beyond
Anything you've ever known, anything you've done

They ask me, "How you be like this? (What?)
How you live like this? (What? What? What?)"
Why you woried 'bout it, ho? Get up off my dick (Get up off my dick)
Get up out the way (Get up out the way)
What you think this is? (What you think this is?)
We ain't worried 'bout it, ho, watch me skrrt the whip
They ask me, "How you get like this? (What? What?)
How you live like this? (What? What?)"
Why you worried 'bout it, ho? Get up off my dick (Get up off my dick)
Get up out the way (Get up out the way)
What you think this is? (What you think this is?)
We ain't worried 'bout it, ho, watch me skrrt the whip, yeah

[Verse 2]
Yeah, swerving, moving to the money like it's urgent
Hands on guy so I'm in it like a surgeon (Like a surgeon)
Uh, the skin colour like the bourbon
A worldwide sign that we face close curtains (Close curtains)
Out here yo, nothing's ever certain
Only thing that's promised is that promises are broken (Promises are broken)
Yeah, so we finding ways to cope then
Only thing I'm breaking is her back with the motions (Whoo)
Yeah, baby girl bring out the goodies
Snuck it in inside her hoodie, now we turnin' up to boogie (Yeah)
In school I used to fight the bullies, now I'm fighting with the law
Guess some things don't leave you fully (Yessir)
They try and push me then they try and pull me
Bet I will not budge, if you doubt it then just call my bookie
And my bookie taking bet
Prophesize a profit when you know what's coming next like ooh

[Part II]

Yeah, baby girl bring out the goodies
Snuck it in inside her hoodie, now we turnin' up to boogie (Yeah)
In school I used to fight the bullies, now I'm fighting with the law
Guess some things don't leave you fully
They try and push me then they try and pull me
Bet I will not budge, if you doubt it then just call my bookie
And my bookie taking bet
Prophesize a profit when you know what's coming next like uh
Money on my mind, we gon' run it up
See what you can find, baby push your luck
We been on the grind, we been gettin' up
We ain't got the time for you fucking bums

Money on my mind, we gon' run it up

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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"Big Dawgs" to udostępniony 9 lipca 2024 roku wspólny singiel rapera Hanumankind oraz duetu Kalmi. W momencie premiery piosenka pozostaje samodzielnym wydawnictwem cyfrowym. Utwór ukazał się za pośrednictwem wytwórni Universal Music Group.


Piosenka "Big Dawgs" emanuje pewnością siebie i siłą, podkreśla pewność siebie Artystów i gotowość odniesienia sukcesu pomimo pojawiających się wyzwań i trudności. Teksty malują obraz odporności, determinacji i chęci przeciwstawienia się normom społecznym, aby osiągnąć swoje cele.


Hanumankind oraz duetu Kalmi potwierdzają swoją dominację, odwołując się do bycia "wielkim stepperami" i prowadzenia się "wielkimi głupkami", demonstrując poczucie dumy i przynależności do swojej społeczności. "Big Dawgs" to fascynujący hymn o pewności siebie, ambicji i niezachwianej determinacji w obliczu pojawiających się przeszkód.

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