IBGM - Detroit VS Everybody (Remix) [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: IBGM
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Statik Selektah

Tekst piosenki

[Produced by Statik Selektah]

[Hook: Dej Loaf]
Tell 'em if they want it, they can come get that (static)
I swear I love my city, I just want a little (static)
See me, they salute me, they ain't ready for that (static)
Detroit vs. Everybody

[Verse 1: Dej Loaf]
Ayo east side, raised on that east side
When we just throw our pinkies up along with the peace sign
Fairview street sign, who the fuck are these guys?
Niggas want war, we make 'em feel it, touch their G spot
My grandma sold pies and I ain't talkin' 'bout no key lime
Junkies at the side door, make sure that ain't 5-0
They done set her up, they done hit her with that combo
They done let the dogs out, house smellin' like Pine Sol
That was on the north end, I was on the porch then
Grandma what you cookin' up? Grandma why that fork bent?
Grandma where my mom at? Now I want her, beep her up
Always imagined we was poor and that her feet was up
Jordans, yeah we had 'em on, bitch it wasn't no teasin' us
Remember me and Pooh was in the window eatin' peanut butter
Damn I miss my cousin, I'm like R.I.P. to Trina's son
I'm from where it ain't no love, everybody need a gun

[Verse 2: SayItAint]
I say
I'm 'bout to kill, these niggas ho, I'm breakin' bread with Dej Loaf
And I ain't ever been a ho, bitch I prefer the fur coat
If Detroit was a farm, nigga I'ma be the GOAT
If my hood had a parade, nigga I'ma be the float
If my bitch call me "Boo", nigga I'ma be a ghost
R.I.P. to Martell, I couldn't see my cousin grow
And I put on for the Mitten, don't get burnt by the stove
Me and money go together like L, M, N, O
Yep and R.I.P. to To, why you had to go?
I'm tryna keep my poise, son, like Bell Biv Devoe
And I tell a bitch, "Act like you've been here before"
And she told me she like heel so I got that bitch coke
Yeah, and my nigga I ain't talkin' 'bout no shoe game
My niggas know I got 'em like Bruce Wayne
All I do is hang around apes, nigga, no lames
Every time I come I'm in the ghost, that's my boo thang
Bitch I'm from the...

[Verse 3: Oba Rowland]
West side, raised on that west side
By both parents and a chopper, lord knows I got problems
Drawer full of condoms, fuck everybody
I tried to change my tendencies
I got less friends than enemies
Try me, I'ma get your mothafuckin' fam like the Kennedy's
It'll go on for infinity, knowin' I'ma never get my fuckin' props
I'm fat but I'll fuck your mama in your daddy's house
Hit her doggy style while the cat around, and bust a nut
On your hand-me-downs, now you got nothin' to wear
You wasn't prepared, I'm in studios that Puffy was in
You puffin' on squares
Cuffin' the ass of a bitch with Rapunzel-like hair
Capone got killed, I'm huntin' 'em still
If they die a natural death, I'm huntin' their kids
We never forgive, especially when
The chances we chance for the advancement of cash
Abruptly comes to an end
Shit I'm just lucky my life just wasn't in sin
Keep all my dead homies covered in gin
See I know niggas' history, these stories do not fit you
Nobody gave this fat nigga a pass
Like back when the Lions had Scott Mitchell
Beef is when I get you before the cops get you
Every time I see niggas with fake DVE
I pray the cops with 'em if God isn't


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Interpretacja piosenki

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