IBri - Go Hard [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: IBri
Album: Monsta Unleashed
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

[Verse 1: Young Breezy]

We get it popping like Champagne
You know Jet Planes is winning the campaigne
I'm just a teen tryna own it in a man's game by spitting that fire flame & earning a higher name
The game ain't changed its just a new breed
I'm an animal on these beats but don't call me Stanley
I'm apart of the grammy family
Me & my niggas rolling in like its a stampede
Real recognizes real, that's why I only roll with g's
Mozzarella on my mind, my only focus is cheese
I'm cool, so I guess I'm surrounded by the breeze
Money on my mind, money on my mem-brain
Insane as I switch lanes on the game
Always on a hustle, find a way to stack change
I'm way out of the leauge
You niggas stay in your lane


I go hard, I-I-I I go hard
Yeah you know I go hard, I I I go I I I go hard
Yeah you know I go hard
& yes you know I go hard
I I I go, I I I go, I I I go hard

[Verse 2: D.K.]

I'm jazzy, Delaware stay classy
I'm in the spot that you'd have to pay a toll to pass me
Controversal was the past me
I'm surpervised when it comes to making moves, bring it pass me
Y'all day dream, I plan reality
Write dummy books that'll tell you how to be, whatever you wanna be
Mav universal, bring master to these clowns like its universal, circus
Got bars in the surplus
Used to be nervous until I defined my purpose
Used to chill with serpants, now they're under the surface
Sign my name with three letters, no need for cursive
I'm pretty clear with what I say, why interprate
I flex after I suplex like Mr. Perfect
My verses causes listeners to reverse it
My possistions' celitified, yet I'm still a mergant


[Verse 3: Young Breezy]

Ok you know that I'm a lyrical serial killer
I'm a gorilla, there's no one iller or ever realer
That's why I brought my EA Game
Cuz I'm just out here trying to get some fame
These haters always hate but I'mma do my thang
Forget these lames, & spit these flames
Continue to make tracks that'll shoot at you dames
I want them to hear me & be like "He's insane"
Lyrics that just knock out the brain
I'm so dope just like Cocaine
Be on the top spot, that's where I aim
& you can see me in the music videos
With the scenerios, bumping in your stereos
& I'm just telling you what I want, what's in my dreams
I ain't tryna flaunt but


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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