Ice Cube - Jack N the Box [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Ice Cube
Album: Raw Footage
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Tha Bizness

Tekst piosenki

The west-coast warlord
The grand wizard
Ice Cube
Motherfucking head so big they
Call him jack n the box

{1st verse}
I'm a superhero, like Lou Ferrigno
Made Bob De Niro, look like a zero
Shine the spotlight, this is my night
Get your camera's ready, let it rain confetti
I'm a champion, I do what can't be done
In the real league nerd not the fantasy one
Throw your hands up, you can cheer for your boy
When I hit the stage get a ear full of noise
When I bring the noise from here to Illinois
Motherfuckers love when I do what it does
I'm all-star, superstar entertainer
World-class, first ballot hall of famer
Some rappers claim that they got a heart full of anger
How when your lyrics were written by a stranger
Fool I'm the greatest, you just the latest
I'm loved by your grandmama, and your babies

See my head is so big they call me jack n the box
You can't impress me, so fuck what you got
I say my head is so big they call me jack n the box
Don't talk about money cause I'm stacking a lot

Shine that light on me, put that light on me
Cause I was sent to the world, by G-O-D
Shine that light on me, put that light on me
Cause I was sent to the world, by G-O-D

{2nd verse}
I was a born loser, I was a born sinner
Now I am a winner, in the convention center
I got to take a bow, cause I still wonder how
The system didn't get me when I was a juvenile (just think)
Just think if I had got locked up
No "Boyz N Tha Hood" thanks to America
No Eazy, N.W.A. no "Friday"
Don't let ya motherfucking talent go to waste
Don't catch a case cause these people got a place
To throw your life away and take you right out the waste
Throw your hands up, you got to man up
I had to show the world, what I was made of
What you say blood, I was a slave cuz
Now I'm VIP, up in Vegas
I'm up in Nike town, so how you like me now
See the whole industry had to bite my style

See my head is so big they call me jack n the box
I knew we would win, so I'm bragging a lot
I say my head is so big they call me jack n the box
My shit is so dope, it's like crack in the pot


{Bridge 2x}
Now mama don't be mad, I got to show my ass
And thank these motherfuckers for my past
I got to let them know I never brake like glass (never)
What you looking at is top notch world-class


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Interpretacja piosenki

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