I.G. Off - Hip Hop Till I Die [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: I.G. Off
Data wydania: 1997-01-01
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: DJ Spinna

Tekst piosenki

Check it out yo. For the 9-7 heads. We be the highest

[Verse One: I.G. Off]
My words hit like uwhops so stay out of my way
It's A Party like that joint by Busta and Zhane
For my music and my homies I got more Love than Monie
You can be as Rich as Tony but life can still be lonely
We party relieve the stress
Some of the pain and unhappiness
We party to relieve the pain
I can't keep partying off my brain
So check it
Spinna hooked up the track and we connect like a chain
And if I can I'ma bag a shorty cause ain't no shame in my game
It's straight boogie
Nothing but love and it's all cool
Producers go home with broke necks, I make thugs do dance moves
I bless the children, give me five minutes of your attention
Everybody won't dance though cause some just like to listen
I'm too hot to handle, too cold to hold
I can't afford Cris' and I can't afford Mo'
But we can take this out on the dance flo'
Where we can do it all night till you can't no more

Keeping hip hop till I'm dead and gone "yeah"
Can I touch a million minds when I perform? "yeah"
Do the Jigmastas party all night long? "yeah"
Do we wreck every stage we standing on?
Keeping hip hop till I'm dead and gone "yeah"
Can I touch a million minds when I perform? "yeah"
Does the Bronx party all night long? "yeah"
Do we wreck every stage we standing on?

[Verse Two: Hazardous]
I come from the land of the starving
Killing and the robbing
Maybe it's me but these clowns look shook like Dennis Rodman
Life is deep so I surround myself with my peeps
Let my inner speak, hold it down with an ink pen like a [?]
Move heads like rollerblades in crowds
Like hand grenades from back in the days
Like when I used to rock the skin fade with the waves
See my moms ain't happy been raising kids all her life
Can't remember a day she wasn't right
She will always be my sunlight
So kiss the floor I come from the under and that's the core
They like Atari 26, I'm like Nintendo 64
Sick of the watered down tracks, all the hoes with no flows
Chicken head bimbos with videos like strip shows
I lounge uptown
The Bronx that's where I rest my crown
And the day my flesh shell collapse to the ground
I'm locking Hell down

Keeping hip hop till I'm dead and gone "yeah"
Can I touch a million minds when I perform? "yeah"
Do D.C. party all night long? "yeah"
Do we wreck every stage we standing on?
Keeping hip hop till I'm dead and gone "yeah"
Can I touch a million minds when I perform? "yeah"
Does Atlanta party all night long? "yeah"
Do we wreck every stage we standing on?

[Verse Three: I.G. Off]
Sitting in the house, all day long
Puffing on l's and singing rap songs
I know a lot of girls and a handful of freaks
But they know till the day I die the highest will always keep it street

"I cold turn the party on out" - Big Daddy Kane 'Just Rhymin' With Biz'

[Verse Four: Hazardous]
There's nothing like the females that scream and shout
Nothing like going to every show and turning it out
Nothing in the world like the feeling that's why I love it the most
I'm talking 'bout hip hop the culture, not about a coast
MC's rock parties, most rappers sound like trash
When I grab the mic I bring Rick James out your ass
Old school is not what we emulate
We don't need gimmicks to penetrate
I don't care if you down with Jermaine Dupri there's no Xscape
Everybody wanna live
Nobody wanna give
I got smarts like I just did a 10 to life bid
I sport N.I.K.E
Blow spots like the K.I.D
Cause ain't nothing like a party in the N.Y.C

Keeping hip hop till I'm dead and gone "yeah"
Can I touch a million minds when I perform? "yeah"
Do Chi-Town party all night long? "yeah"
Do we wreck every stage we standing on?
Keeping hip hop till I'm dead and gone "yeah"
Can I touch a million minds when I perform? "yeah"
Does Cali party all night long? "yeah"
Do we wreck every stage we standing on?

"I cold turn the party on out"

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Interpretacja piosenki

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