Immature - Give Up the Ghost [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Immature
Gatunek: Rap

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Tekst piosenki

Artist: Immature f/ Bizzy Bone
Album: Give Up the Ghost 12"
Song: Give Up the Ghost

That's right that's right

Bizzy Bone - That's right, that's right. LDB
LDB - What's happinin?
Bizzy Bone - Romeo
Romeo - What's up?
Bizzy Bone - Batman
Batman - Yo yo Bizzy
Bizzy Bone - That's right
Romeo - Let it go
Bizzy Bone - What? What?

Bizzy Bone - Load your revolvers po-po's
Seranatin Murda with an eye for an eye
Goin and killin yah soon will die, my
Sendin you to the Lord because nobody wants to worry yah, serve yah
Everyday seems shorter, and murda gonna search for yah [for yah]

Batman - I go walk across the road, across the road [across the road]
I just think about my life how I grow old [how I grow old]
And I think about the things that people do [that people do]
And who cares if they can't help those helpless few
[Those helpless few]
And I see just how this world has been ruined. Well what can we do?
What can we do, what can we do? [we do, we do, we do, we do, we do...]
Well what can we do? What can we do? What can we do?
Peace to the end of the road that's where we go
[Where we go, where we go, we go, we go]

Bizzy Bone - Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Coast to Coast]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Ohh yeah..]
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Give up the Ghost]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[That's where we are.. Give up the Ghost]
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[From Coast to Coast give up the Ghost]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Coast to Coast]
From across the coast to give up the ghost [ghost]

Bizzy Bone - And search, and search
And rule ten, better not use thy name in vain
And the children are our future, then they shoot us, maintain
Rule two, thou shall not steal
But I did and I will especially for my babies
My Mother will pay my bills, and in my wheelchair
I get (????), and they gave me free meals, and I seen em make a mill
And until that day we'll keep rollin. Fillin it up with red-rum
From the East to the West to the planet
Betta pay attention to the Ten Commandments [Ten Commandments]

Bizzy Bone - Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[It's where we go]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Give up the Ghost]
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Coast to Coast, Ghost to Ghost]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Give up the Ghost, Yeah!]
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Come across the coast to give up the ghost]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Give up the ghost]
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Ohh Yeah, Ohh...]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
Batman - Ah, everybody out there [there] just hear me out [hear me out]
From coast to coast from coast to coast
Give up the ghost [give up the ghost]
All our home-people don't know just what to do [just what to do]
Cause there's a coffin over there waiting for you [waiting for you]
Download all the evil from your mind, your mind. [Yeah!]
Download all the evil from your mind [your mind, mind]
[Come on, That's right, Immature, Bizzy Bone]
When your soul is gone, when will we fall [fall]?
Peace to the end of the road that's where we go [we go, we go]

Bizzy Bone - Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Give up the Ghost..Yeah!]
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Coast to Coast..Yeah!]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Give up the Ghost]
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Give up the Ghost]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Going Coast to Coast]
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Going Coast to Coast Yeah...]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost

Bizzy Bone - Understand it if you claim it. You standin in my way
[Give up the Ghost.. Yeah!] So peace out to the murdered family
But it ain't really none of your business. Say a Prayer, Pray!
Get on your knees and you pray. Everyday you pray, and stay away
No matter [Ohh...] what no one else say

Bizzy Bone - Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Give up the ghost.. Yeah!]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Going coast to coast yeah!]
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Give up the ghost]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[From across the coast, give up the ghost, going coast to coast]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Yeah!.. baby yeah!]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost

Bizzy Bone - Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[Going coast to coast to give up the ghost, the ghost..Baby!]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
[From coast to Coast give up the ghost]
From across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost
Come across the coast to give up the ghost, ghost

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Interpretacja piosenki

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