Indigo Bang - 22 Bars [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Indigo Bang
Data wydania: 2013-09-20
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: Ski Beatz, Joey Cool Beatz

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Tekst piosenki


It's the Modern day Ms. Dorothy Dandridge
Switched up the style these bitches can't stand it
We the real fucking stars nigga pan it to the right
My style is tight, my flow is meaner
Demeanor of a singer but an emcee
Indigo Bang five foot hot spitter no kidder

Wait HQ! Switch that shit up
Like, I need some hip hop shit, hip hop shit
Just drop that shit right now
Ooooou yes yes fucking with it

It's the Modern day Ms. Dorothy Dandridge
Switched up the style these bitches can't stand it (repeat)
We the real fucking stars nigga pan it to the right
My style is tight, my flow is meaner
Demeanor of a singer but an emcee
Indigo Bang five-foot, hot spitter, no kidder
Let me make myself clearer, I wake and I bake and I dream kites
My niggas stacking figures did you overlook my titties
Cause my flow be high sidity in the city of Atlanta though
Check the stats bitch what's the score
We winning, bring events to an ending
My words are unforgiven
I'm the Queen of the city
The Queen of the South
Yeah, I said it out my mouth, I can back it up
Watch me stack it up, Bang Bang, Back it up
Clap it up, give it up to the illest spitting
She a vixen with constriction on her word play
Last name Bang killing these bitches call me Gunplay
We gonna make it out this struggle nigga nigga one day one day
Move to a place where it's sunny sunny
Shot out to my crew PAAKK coming coming man

Ya'll thought I was just going to give you 22 Bars
Man fuck that

I'm just a young bitch dreaming
Balling on these bitches Kobe season
My voice is pleasing-ing
Queen of the South now you seeing-ing
You want to be her and dream kites and shit
On that fashion shit straight smashing shit
No class and shit, simplicity is a bliss ya bish
Fuck how I come off
Every song I write, I drop, I fucking go off
You fucking show off
I hit the spliff than I co-ough
I made myself a bo-oss
I want the fame what's the co-ost
I'm trying to floss
Riding through my city man my leather so soft
Indigo Bang hot shit, hot sauce
Fucking with my rhymes anybody I will toss
I'm that pretty muthafucker in that blue lip gloss
She a beast if you her off the leash
Crazy, dangerous these bitches all scared of us
They strangerous, we rebellious, no changing us
From the struggling we savages
Dreams of Louis V baggages
I'm taking my momma them shopping they snagging shit
They say I know you a star keep going and shit
Indigo in this Bitch but
Bet you ain't know I could flow
Just made your fucking mouth hit your fucking toe
Yeah I'm bout to blow
And if you ain't running with it run from it
Imma Imma
Top spitter her flow is iller
I suggest you roll with the click?
Bitch who you with?
Indigo Bang her flow is sick
I suggest you roll with the click
PAAKK who you with?
Indigo Bang her flow is sick
I suggest you roll with the click
Bitch who you with?
Who you with?
Who ya'll with?
Fuck with me, Indigo Bang
Yes! Yes! Atlanta has a Queen, Yes! Yes!

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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