Infant Annihilator - Torn From The Womb [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Infant Annihilator
Gatunek: Rock

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Tekst piosenki

Drag the nuns from their rooms. It’s finally time to extract the
Bastards from their wombs. Their hands are bound and then they’re
Gagged for surgery. Punctured with a rusted blade, then I force my
Fingers in the wound. I stretch it till the flesh has torn; with my
Filthy hands I rip it more. The mother’s screams are muffled by the
Gag shoved down her throat. The tension builds as I unveil her uterus
Her anaesthesia is my cock. Convulsions overwhelm my patience - if
These persist ill have no choice but to kill her before she gives
Birth. What a fucking shame. Death brings me joy, but I would rather
See her suffer as I rip her bastard child from her womb. I Press the
Blade to her throat. Dull and with crooked teeth, I begin to saw
Through her neck until I reach her spine. Now that she is dead her
Body lays still. Now her unborn child is ready for extraction. I slice
Open the uterus and the placenta rushes out. Mixed with blood it pools
In her gaping wound. This carcass cocktail of placenta and blood is
Shared among assistants helping me birth the child. Once it’s gone the
Severed uterus is bare and then the birth begins. I grab the child by
His leg and rip him from the womb. His mother’s entrails pull out and
Spread upon the bed. I rape her body till she turns into a putrid
Heap, then I remove the umbilical cord. I cart the child down the hall
To be classed and then sent to the nursery of rape

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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