Iron Savior - Dragon King [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Iron Savior
Album: Rise Of The Hero
Gatunek: Rock

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Tekst piosenki

Listen to the story
Of the dragon and the knight
The quest for the ancient
The last one of his kind
Hidden in the mountains
Across the seven seas
In oblivion

Bold and defiant
The brave knight did embark
On to the realm of fire
Gleaming in the dark
A seeker of the knowledge
The power and the might
Of the ancient one

To end the tyranny
The killing and oppression
He has been carrying the scent
To take his fire
On to the tyrant's wicked lair
To set his people free
And gain the final victory

Dragon King - Born at the outset of the time
Dragon King - In the amber of the world
Dragon King - Ruler of the fire
Spread your wings - Spread your wings and ride up to the skies

Deep below the ever rocks
As the traditions told
He found the King sleeping in the cold
He spoke the words of magic
To make the wyvern rise
And then he opened his eyes

On wings of fire
They rode atop the world
Between the heaven and the seas
And in that very night
His mind was set at ease
For a moment
A moment in time

Dragon King - Born at the outset of the time
Dragon King - In the amber of the world
Dragon King - Ruler of the fire
Spread your wings - Spread your wings and fly away

[Solo Piesel]

Just like a thunderbolt
Descending on the foe
He spit his fire on the plains
And as the tyrant
Had perished in the flames
He spread his wings again
To vanish in eternity

Dragon King - Born at the outset of the time
Dragon King - In the amber of the world
Dragon King - Ruler of the fire
Spread your wings - Spread your wings and ride up to the skies

Dragon King
Dragon King - Ruler of the fire
Dragon King - Spread your mighty wings and fly away
Spread your wings and ride up to the skies

Dragon King - Dragon King
Dragon King ascend... forevermore!

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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