Isaiah Toothtaker - A Kingdom [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: Isaiah Toothtaker
Data wydania: 2012-01-01
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: The Hood Internet

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Tekst piosenki

[Intro phonecall: Max B]
Uhh, bring that shit back
Isaiah Toothtaker, man...
Nigga bow scared

[Verse 1: Max B's phonecall]
First they hated me
Then they baited me
Then they raped me, they mated with me.. Yeah
I know you wishing I faded away
Balling with me, they hated to play
I be making it rain, I be making it sleet
I be taking the G's, I be making her skeet.. Yeah
Have you ever known a nigga so relentless?
'Take 'em to the dentist, Toothtaker -
Take that nigga's grill to the pawn shop'
I'm ever on the move
Especially if my mom's not; bakin', got that bomb cot
Baby trynna snuggle after fuckin' it
Send me to the money - I'm in love with it
Make his mama drop in, no not really though
Punk in love with Daddy
Feeling good when they know it's you
"Look at all the bullshit I've been through
So-called beef with you know who"
Fuck your female songs
Beat them niggas to submission quick
Your crib in my kitchen sink
Your bitch in my bed, the cage
Baby don't drink and drive -
Put that bitch out on the highway
Thank God it was Friday
Thank God it was our way
Chick wanna rough him up, put extensions in
Partition INC...
I'm disappearin'..

[Verse 2: Isaiah Toothtaker]

This illegal life - you either love it or leave it
My Knife, leaves haters bleedin'
Me and Max B be schemin'.. Yeah
Many enemies, can't believe that I'm still breathin'
Screamin' "Fuck the police!" until my very last breath
To take or do you no favors and do what the song suggests
Be your ladies' favorites and, make them stay undressed
Take requests, say who next
Your 'Savior on the Cross-Fader'
Pay respect or pray for death, it'll take more than paper -
To pay your debt.. I ain't forget.. I send threats..
Different person, deservin', to hurt him..
My bourbon burnin', iron on the fire.. Imma murder..
Pull your skirt or close a curtain..
I work for dirt above your casket, not your average
See fucker actin' savage, giraffe skin..
Pull the zip, elastic, pass it, classic, wrap fantastic
Brass tack smith to fit into another tax bracket
Back to back, our tracks make racket
Mastered the craft.. Black Magic

Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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