It’s D-Money Baby - Codeine 420 [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: It’s D-Money Baby
Data wydania: 2013-09-07
Tekst: Donavan Williams

Tekst piosenki


CHORUS (The Weeknd)
Fast life gripping
Yeah, we still tippin
Codeine cups paint a picture so vivid
Codeine cups, Co codeine cups, co codeine cups
Paint a picture so vivid

I smoke alot of weed so I get very high
And thats no lie cause I'm up in the sky

Smokin that dank then I'm sippin that drank
Got a cup full of lean got money in the back

Nig*as wanna Gee me so I pull up in the tank
Thats what it is thats not what it ain't

It's D-Money Baby going hard in the paint
My supa swag soo fly I'm making hoes faint

I'm exceptional with the holyness Ima saint
Model chicks always nect to me with no taint

And they always be willing no complaint
Can I leand them some money I can't

I'm blowin out Urkyl we sitting in a circle
After every sip my vision gets more purple

I'm slurring in my verbal moving slower than a turtle
I'm lookin threw my camera all I see is purple purple

CHORUS (The Weeknd)
Fast life gripping
Yeah, we still tippin
Codeine cups paint a picture so vivid
Codeine cups, Co codeine cups, co codeine cups
Paint a picture so vivid

I zan when I lean off the pure codiene
My purple cans matchin my shirt and jeans

I'm soo screwed I dont need caffiene
Rest in peace DJ Screw he the Screw king

Been bumpin that shyt since I was a teen
But its all good it taught this Cali nig*a how to swing

From the west to the east south north then back
Twenty eight inches on the Cadillac

Tweenty eight nig*as been killed in battle raps
Ima battle cat didn't need to bust a cap

But dont get it twisted Ima gansta thats a fact
I could still bust a cap leaving holes in ya back

Cause I'm off that lean and I feel soo supreme
When I'm out on the corner sellin crack to a feign

Been up all night poppin senzu beans
Feelin like a black super saiyan with purple hair

Beating nig*as up in skinny jeans that stair
And thats what it is cause I'm already there

CHORUS x2 (The Weeknd)
Fast life gripping
Yeah, we still tippin
Codeine cups paint a picture so vivid
Codeine cups, Co codeine cups, co codeine cups
Paint a picture so vivid

D-Money Baby dont play at all
In the streets supa dupa how I ball

Pop mollies in mollywood I can't fall
I do it everyday like a nympho

Cup full of lean playing Nintendo
Then I'll be puffin that Cali indo

Then go outdo cause I'm feelin Limbo
And I dont got time for no bimbo

But I'll beat the cuchi up worst than Kimbo
D-Money Baby be my name info

Gettin faded cause I made it is my intro
Bulletproof french windows on the limo

I keep it Gee cause I still roll a pinto
Leanin side to side but I'm not a gringo

I got the money so I guess I'm feelin pringo
Promethazine on the blunt bingo

I screw many hoes like Mandingo
I guess every body just loves my lingo

CHORUS (The Weeknd)
Fast life gripping
Yeah, we still tippin
Codeine cups paint a picture so vivid
Codeine cups, Co codeine cups, co codeine cups
Paint a picture so vivid

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