ITSTHEDUKE - Crab Rangoons & Wonton Soup [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Gatunek: Rap
Producent: The Weeknd, Jeremy Rose

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Tekst piosenki


(Oh Oh Oh)
It's that... something... like....

Crab Rangoons and Wonton Soup
Its that Its that Crab Rangoons and Wonton Soup
Its that Its that Crab Rangoons and Wonton Soup
Chiddy bang bang bang me up in the coupe

G Shock watch but I G spot shock her
Sauna afterwards and our bodies make it hotter
Grab your water bottle lets hit the locker and shower
Afterwards she cocoa butter her body and then she power

Chick acting chowder cause I won't hold that clutch
Girl I don't hold that clutch cause I am
In demand with these fans Cause my tracks like Damn
Claude Van verse hits harder than that Colorado Ram

Shout out to Fort Collins But Greeleys where I ran
Orange County born but in Illinois I got some fam
Drinking at the hanger cause we're too fly for a pad
Nah so mom and dad wouldn't find that Crown in the bag

Party out here tonight girl and you're invited
I think I'm falling for you girl but I don't want to fight it
Say you're too wild for me girl but I don't buy it
I could be that light house in the storm girl if you'd like it

I could turn that D to a Beamer
Girl you could ride it
I could turn that Zig to J
Girl you could light it

Hoping I could crack that clam Let my Krackin in
Lovers for tonight but tomorrow we'll be friends
You don't want something serious and girl I comprehend
Cause relations with no love seems to be that modern trend

Its that Crab Rangoon and Wonton Soup
Crab Rangoon and Wonton Soup

Feeling at the bottom with a bottle in my hand
And I'm bout to light up like the MGM Grand
Girl can we meet up at the beach in the sand
Hoping I can take that spot as your man
Hoping I can find that spot yes I can

Love takes a lesson from a gunshot (Blam)
Love takes a lesson from a gunshot (Blam)
Evidence held in the black box and
Black box not found crash landing

With love lost its a Temper Trap
With no love you don't know how to act
But girl let me take you to school
Let me show you how the birds and the bees do knock some boots

Mix that Ciroc with that Perrier
Girl only sober for about a day
White on white that girl's on ye
She denies it though she said "That shit cray"

That's a dumb pun
And I'd take it back but I'm on one
And I've had two So when I finish this
My drink won't be the only thing gone

It's 3 again still drinking
But fuck it it's that Weeknd
Bobs goes to pour another round
And uhhh throwing up's what I'm thinking

I told her I had two and she told me I had four
I'm like "Thanks bitch but I can fucking count"
Well I did have 4 and I probably had more but there's no way in hell she's finding out

Fungsui the House of Balloons
Was What You Need now it's Crab Rangoons
And Wanton Soup

Feeling like Cudi cause I'm down and out
But lately blacking out's what I've been about
And girl you're not new you've been around
But I think I need you and I need you now

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Interpretacja piosenki

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