J. Cole - Love Me Not [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: J. Cole
Album: Friday Night Lights
Data wydania: 2010-11-12
Gatunek: Rap
Producent: J. Cole
Tekst: J. Cole

Tekst piosenki

It's like she loves me
She loves me
And then she loves me not
She loves me not
Feel like she loves me
She loves me
And then she loves me not
She loves me not
Then she loves me not

[Verse 1]
Hey, I know that this ain't nothing that you used to
Out of the ordinary, unusual
I know you had your whole life planned out
So to watch this pan out I know this shit gotta confuse you
I know you wonder why I had to choose you
Don't wanna take you for granted or abuse you
So I’mma keep it honest
I think it’s a little ironic
If I hit another chick its gonna bruise you
Shit, staring out the window of this plane
Thinking if it crash, I’ll never see your ass again
Wouldn't that be a shame
Cause look at all the shit we overcame
Made it through the flame and never got cremated
I made it to the fame and never got too jaded
All them other couples we fuck with, secretly hated
Flash forward it’s been years, we the only ones that made it
Shit remember I was straying from home
And "Where I Wanna Be" was my favorite song
Sometimes I still be on my Donnell Jones
But I just can’t leave you alone


[Verse 2]
She know me like a book, its too easy to read my ass
Unhappy stressed, yelling don’t mislead my ass
I mean I make it so easy don’t please my ass
The shoe was on the other foot and you would leave my ass
True that
My song all on the radio
Who Dat
Am I so far gone, used to see both sides like the Mohawk on
Now I know you wonder why this phone lock on
All this time I’ve been with ya you ain't used to do that
I loved your ass way before I knew you could rap
The way you breaking my heart I should sue you for that
Call up my uncles and my cousins have them do you for that
We had a deal and you ain't keeping up your end of the shit
In my mind I know she get the short end of the stick
Try justify thinkin', man we finna be rich
And some bad bitch I barely know sending me flicks


Tłumaczenie piosenki

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Interpretacja piosenki

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Status swojej interpretacji możesz obserwować na stronie swojego profilu.
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Wyślij Niestety coś poszło nie tak, spróbuj później. Treść interpretacji musi być wypełniona.

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