J. Stalin - Ask ya homeboy [tekst, tłumaczenie i interpretacja piosenki]

Wykonawca: J. Stalin
Gatunek: Pop

Tekst piosenki

40 on the side of me, staying strapped that's my hobby
Ride fly, west so a nigga be so mobby
Get your head cut off, nigga tryina rob me
We don't give a about siding and catching bodies
Banger in my back, pocket biskers, that's my hobby
Try me, rip your head, you'll be full of ib's
All my lil niggas is actin so nigga please believe
Come around trippin, they gonn squeeze if it's behind me
I be somewhere with a 5o you can't find me
The bitches is bad, and they all waiting up in the lobby
I got 3 with me and they gonn suck me till I'm dry clean
Hating on my paper, hit your ass with this kerosene
Never double cluth, 2 hammers nigga double dutch
Shoot him in his face, if he make me draw my double cup
We got bands on deck, niggas get your hustle up
Bitches giving long neck, niggas you's a custom up

Real nigga, never been a hoe nigga
Ask your homeboy, yeah he know nigga
Ask your homeboy, yeah he know nigga
Fuck around, get a tag on your toe nigga
Real nigga, never been a hoe nigga
Ask your homeboy, yeah he know nigga
Ask your homeboy, yeah he know nigga
Business we strapped' I wouldn't play that

Fuck around, let the .223's go
Broad day, no mask, so a nigga know
If they wanna play, this how is gonna go
But we do this shit every day up in the O
Sell coke and smoke drough, stay strapped like 5o
We beating niggas bitches, take pictures with they cellphones
One phone call we outside your home
Come around with them riders, turn the water on
We still coming in, even if your daughter home
Got a nigga mom and that's enough to leave him lone
When it's on, it's fully on
Shots fired, nigga really gone
I bet pusah cross the state like I'm other home
Gangster, bitch, I'm a motherfucking rolling stone
People 'on they ass, like a crying stone
Hurricane Sam, now these niggas can't stay

Real nigga, never been a hoe nigga
Ask your homeboy, yeah he know nigga
Ask your homeboy, yeah he know nigga
Fuck around, get a tag on your toe nigga
Real nigga, never been a hoe nigga
Ask your homeboy, yeah he know nigga
Ask your homeboy, yeah he know nigga
Business we strapped' I wouldn't play that

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Interpretacja piosenki

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